Chapter eleven

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"There's no more — blanok?" Zuko says, standing in front of the cupboard. He has been getting his own food for the last few days. Water, he gets from Yue. Melting snow is an arduous task and he can't as effectively get the ash out of it. He hates the taste of ash and it only serves as a reminder of his nation and their defeat not too long ago.
Yue giggles. "I think you mean bannock?"
"... Bannock. Yes, that's what I mean." Zuko intones, eyes glancing to the side. He has figured out that Yue didn't mean to make fun of him, but can't help feeling sensitive.
"I'll fill up some water glasses and then it's time for me to get supplies again. Anything you want?"
Zuko is surprised that she bothered to ask. "More bannock?"
Yue laughs again. "I was already planning on that. I'll get more flavours this time if Mrs. Huemodo has them."
"... Thanks." Zuko says, making a bit of an effort. It feels wrong. Yue stills for a moment, almost imperceptibly.
"You're welcome," she says, warmth flooding her voice. Zuko leaves the kitchen area abruptly, brushing past her. He lays down on top of his blankets. A few minutes later he hears the door open, and then close, footsteps leading away.

Yue leaves her thick royal overcoat by the spirit oasis and and pulls her hair into a low braid. She smooths the loose strands behind her ears. She loved her hair, but it was a bit too recognizable. Walking through the city, there are more people just walking around, doing errands. Much more of the rebuilding has been completed. Yue's heart pangs. She wonders if she — or Tui, really — would have had the power to rebuild everything much faster. Almost definitely. Mrs. Huemodo is out when Yue passes. She will come back later.

There is a backdoor to the palace. Yue finds it and slips through. She finds that the council is meeting. They don't know that she is alive, so Yue creeps past the guard to her parents chambers. And Yue waits, and waits, and waits...

A/N: I can't make Yue waiting sound interesting so just imagine that she like meditated and thought of old memories and how things had changed blah blah blah for a few hours until her parents come to their chambers after the council meetings and whatever Yue's mother was doing. They don't actually name her in the show, which is why I've named her here (I briefly mentioned her in the first chapter) and will try to give her some characterization and thoughts etc etc

The door slides open. It makes a "shhhh" sound because it is made of snow, somehow. And ice, probably. The author of this fic isn't an engineer. Kellora steps in, Chief Arnook behind her.
"Daughter!" She cries, running towards Yue, taking her in her arms. Yue firmly embraces her back. "I've missed you in your absence."
"As have I," says Chief Arnook, Yue's father, wrapping his arms around his family. Yue squeezes her eyes tight.
"Are you here to stay?' Kellora asks, pulling back a little.
"... Not yet. I'm sorry." Yue says. Her mother sighs but nods in understanding.
"Do you at least have time to ease Zivraq's worries? As well as his son's, Hahn?"
The reminder settles into Yue's mind. She tenses as she realizes she feels Tui is against it.

(Spirits don't marry. We bond.)

I can't say no right now, Yue thinks, not outright.

"I will talk to them," Yue says. "But I don't know how marriage would work, as I am fused with Tui now."
The Chief thinks for a moment. "One day, perhaps, you will ascend to the spirit world. But for now, you are here, with us, and we need you to carry on our legacy for a new generation of waterbenders." He refers to bearing children with Hahn so that their first male child will be chief after him.
Yue doesn't know how to disagree. Tui does. Tui doesn't push Yue to in that moment, knowing that Yue is trying her best.
"Okay." Yue smiles weakly.
"Excellent. I will call for them, as well as for Ukoni and Kunadu, they will be happy to see you and they can fix your hair."
Too soon, Kellora draws away from her daughter. "I will walk with you to your chambers." She says. Arnook squeezes Yue's shoulder before leaving to call for Zivraq, Hahn, Ukoni, and Kunadu.

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