Chapter two

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"I'm very impressed." Zhao leans back at his desk. "You all seem highly qualified for the mission I have in mind." A pirate crew stands on the other side of his desk, complete with a reptile parrot. Hands reach for the chest that sits on the desk. It opens to reveal that a sea of shiny gold. The pirates' interest heightens as much as the worth of the gold. The salesman who had first caught Aang's attention with his "exotic curios" snatches a gold piece with a grubby hand. He chomps down on it with rotten teeth.

"That's some tasty gold!" He exclaims. The captain grabs it and puts it back in the chest, snarling. A lizard parrot claws his leather-clad shoulder.

"What do you need us to do?" The captain leans forward, hands on the table.

Zhao smiles.

"I believe you're acquainted with Prince Zuko?"

"Good luck!" a crew member yells. There's no response as the crew leaves to join Zhao's mission at the North Pole. Iroh waves as they walk down the pier before boarding the ship. It's unnaturally still with only himself and his nephew aboard. Iroh misses the cook already. At least, he thinks, he has an excuse to teach Zuko to cook. Iroh pokes his head into the angry teenager's chambers.

"The crew wanted me to wish you safe travels."

"Good riddance to those traitors." Zuko snarls at the ceiling at the thought of Zhao stealing his men.

"It's a lovely night for a walk. Why don't you join me? It would clear your head." When Zuko doesn't respond, Iroh's smile falls. "Or just stay in your room and sit in the dark. Whatever makes you happy." Iroh leaves. Zuko still carries much anger with him. He goes on a walk without Zuko, making his way along the pier, humming the song he was singing before Zhao stepped in. A lizard parrot swoops through the night air.

The pirates board the ship under the cover of nightfall. Metal hooks dig into the side of the ships and barrels of blasting jelly are hoisted upwards from a small skiff in the water. "Careful with the blasting jelly!" A pirate whispers as another almost drops a barrel onto the ship. The first pirate opens a door. It creaks loudly and he curses under his breath.

"Uncle?" The prince bolts awake at the sound. The pirate shoves the barrels of blasting jelly inside before sprinting away as another guides the trail of black gunpowder to the deck of the ship. He strikes some flint with his knife before disappearing over the side of the boat.

"Uncle, is that you?" Zuko asks, peering out into the empty corridor. He arranges himself into his fighting stance and narrows his eyes. Iroh would call out. Zuko heads warily out to the bridge of the ship and sees the lit trail of gunpowder. The lizard parrot squawks at Zuko before tearing off after the pirates. Zuko's eyes widen. The pirates. He turns to run, but the fire finally reaches the blasting jelly and he arcs through the air with the explosion that wrecks his ship. Zuko takes a breath before he hits the water hard and falls deep into the water. The saltwater burns at the cuts from flying pieces of metal. At least it put out the fire on his clothes. Zuko waits beneath the water as long as he can before finding a stray bucket to come up under. The pirates would be watching to make sure that he did not escape death.

Iroh hears the explosion and turns around just in time to see Zuko's ship explode.

"Zuko!" He cries out. He runs as fast as he can back to the ship. His face is ghost-white as he fears for Zuko. Zuko couldn't die this young. Not him, too. Iroh couldn't stand the loss of another son. Even if Zuko was not his son... he couldn't. Iroh sinks to his knees, orange and red flames dancing through the air.


The girl — Katara — clutches her hands together as she walks next to the Avatar towards Pakku's training grounds. She looks excited, Yue thinks. So excited to see waterbending. Yue remembers Pakku grumbling as he left the banquet hall the previous night about being expected to teach the Avatar and his friend. Was Katara the friend? Yue bites her lip. She was in for a nasty surprise. Yue wishes she could have warned her, but they had already reached Pakku and Yue was walking along the passageway up above the training grounds to leave the palace and go into the city. She had promised Mrs. Huemodo that she would visit and her father would most likely be along shortly and could deal with any disputes.

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