Chapter 11: Brainwashed, Unicorn's showdown.

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Awakening in the arctic Unicorn searched for her brother.

Unicorn: Onii-chan....Onii-chan.... Barbatos where are you

Soon she saw her brother battling Enterprise who is under Siren control.

Unicorn:O....Onii-chan hang on

Before she could go she was shot in the shoulder by a beam rifle but the beam has no effect on her and bounced right off

Ayanami: Not so fast Unicorn

She looks to her left to see Ayanami and Nimi

Nimi: You're not going anywhere

Unicorn: Grr.. guess I have no other choice

TBG: Well this time I am joining the fight

Unicorn: Oh great

TBG: Hope you have said your prayers cause this is the day you die

Destiny: Not if I have anything to say about that

Destiny arrives with Javelin and Laffey

Unicorn: Mr. Destiny

Javelin: Go.... we will take care of them

Unicorn: Right thanks you guys

Jump to Barbatos

Barbatos: Enterprise snap out of it

She fires an arrow at him but Barbatos dodged it

Barbatos: Look I don't want to hurt you but you have to fight their control, break free Enterprise

Enterprise: Oh... Barbatos you are always so full of attention to others which makes this your weakness

Barbatos: That's right my friends and family are my weakness but they are also my strength too

Enterprise: yeah right, now die

Enterprise charges at Barbatos when suddenly Unicorn blocked her path

Unicorn: Get away from him

Enterprise: Silence Child

Unicorn: Onii-chan you alright

Barbatos: Yes I am

Unicorn: Good now let's kick some carrier backside

Barbatos: Aren't you a carrier too

Unicorn: Dude I am a Mobile Android created alongside you

Barbatos: Except I came first before you

Unicorn: Exactly now let's go

Barbatos and Unicorn fought Enterprise while Ayanami, Nimi, and Try Burning Gundam catches up to them. Destiny, Laffey, and Javelin was kept busy by some Sakura Empire Destroyers/ Ayanami's friends

As Barbatos Pins Enterprise down when Unicorn is about to give her a finishing blow, she is attacked by Try Burning Gundam, Enterprise breaks free from Barbatos's clutches and fights him.

Unicorn awakens and is cornered by Try Burning Gundam, Ayanami, and Nimi

Unicorn: Ugh....

TBG: Tch I was expecting a challenge from the Lupus Rex's sister

Unicorn: A challenge huh? okay

Soon she starts to form a strange flash of light from her body as she screamed at the top of her lungs

Unicorn: RAHHHHHHHH!!!..... Now 'i'll show you

Ayanami: Impossible

TBG: No way

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