Partners and Projects

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"Wake up, Y/n!"

"I'm up! I'm up!" Y/n shouts loudly while kicking his knees under his desk. The boy quickly grabbed onto the two joints in reaction as he lets out a small groan.

He rubs his hands on his legs to ease them up a bit, a small wave of laughter and giggles could be heard after his unintended attack on his desk. The boy simply huffed a breath out as he rested his hands on his face.

It was the next day Y/n remembers, he hasn't gotten a lot of sleep after Ahmad woke him up in his penthouse and finding out that there was an unwanted guest wandering around.

Last night made him stay awake yet his body urged to fall asleep as if he took a some sleeping pills and downed it with coffee. He just wished that he could take it easy on his schedule and his life as he was currently juggling a few things like his career and his education for years now.

The h/c hopes for a good day in school, he was nearly wide awake now after his teacher slammed a ruler near his ears as he took his hands away from his face and focused on the teacher.

From what he heard, the teacher is going to assign partners in this class for a small project that was due in a few days. Everyone cheered and whistled but Y/n just wanted some rest.

Well it could be easy to kick back for the day after school and do the work tomorrow. But as he was thinking about the sweet soft bed that stayed in his room, he heard his name being called from the teacher in the front. Then she paired him up with another student who he least expected or wanted.

No... Oh no...

He glanced towards the girl that sat a few chairs away from him. She was already giving him a death glare after figuring out where her partner was sitting as Y/n placed his hands back on his face.

God... dammit...


"Wake up, stupid!"


"Holy shit!"

The boy was once again asleep from a tiring musical night and a school day as a pair of books slams next to his ears. In reaction, Y/n hurriedly gets up and tries to run only to fall forward and land face first into the wooden flooring of someone's home. "...Ow..."

"Get up, dummy..." he hears the same voice urge him awake, he groans on the ground for a bit until he finally sweeps away the laziness in his body and pushes himself from the dirted floor. He heads back into his seat in the living room, across the table was Nino as he starts to get comfortable and pulls his book to himself. "Alright... What subject are we doing?"

"...It says it right on the book!" She points at the cover of the book, "Japanese History..."

"Yeah... Get with it, baka..." Nino threw her final insult quietly for now and grabs a piece of paper from the stack that laid in front of them and gets to writing.

Y/n took his book and his writing utensils and puts it in front of him, getting ready to write. But, "What are we writing about again?" He leans in with an awkward smile on his face, knowing he'll get a face full of Nino's usual attitude. "Y/n..." she groans softly. "It's on page one hundred and thirty-two..."

Well, that was calmer than he expected. Not that he has a problem with it, kind of wished she would act like this to him often at the very least. He knew he was getting on her nerves but it shows that she can be a little kinder with him.

He wanted to know why she acted so civil all of a sudden but if he were to try, she'd be back to her old ways once more as he focused his e/c orbs back down on his paper.

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