Lunch with the Butterfly

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It's been a few days after Y/n's talk with the principal as well as the new release of a/n's song.

The scene as of now was a small canteen, many tables were already packed and filled with eager and hungry students that were ready to dig into the meals they bought from the lunch lady.

We see a student who had just ordered their food for the afternoon. Nino, a girl with shoulder length maroon hair and icy blue eyes, butterfly hair clips calls so gently from her hair as she gazed around while the strands swayed majestically with each turn she take.

"Jeez... Why is it so crowded today?" She mumbles angrily, sighing heavily and start to explore around the canteen for an empty table to sit at.

Today wasn't like the other days for her.

Unbelievably, she had four other sisters she had in her family. Everyday for the past few semesters, the five of them would meet up at a specific table which was clearly taken by a few boys. Her athletic sister who's name is Yotsuba was supposed to run and save the table for them but each one of her redhead sisters had other plans to attend to.

Slowly, the girl with the butterfly hair clips starts to get frustrated, not a single empty in sight as she was ready to give in. But a miracle happens as the last turn of her head lands on an empty two seater, she lets off a small satisfied smile as she heads there and puts her plate down.


In a unison matter, a tray hits the tabletop as well. It scared the redhead as she looks up and finds a boy who had the same intention. Her face matched the color of her hair, obviously annoyed. "Excuse me... I got here first..." she tries to shoo him off only to be ignored.

Instead, he sat down on his seat, pulling up his bag onto his lap as he takes a bite from his lunch while taking out a few papers. It was getting to Nino's head. "Hey!"

That gotten the boy's attention as he cocks his head softly. "You needed something?"

"Yes, this table... I was here first!" Nino explained, a look of annoyance still pasted on her. But instead of complying and letting the girl have the table all to herself, he glances around the room and finds out that some of the tables were slowly emptying out.

He points at the now unoccupied seats, "Tables just cleared up behind you..." he said while taking a phone and a pencil out.


It nearly startled the h/c, a pair of hands slaps the table as she was furious. "I want this table..."

"What's so special about this table?"

"I was here first!"

"It doesn't say your name on it..."

Soon, they were silent. What was up with this boy, Nino thought as he finally grabs out a pair of wireless earbuds and stared at the girl. "If you want this table, you just have to deal with it and sit..." Y/n suggested.

A smart way to get people off his back whenever he had encounters like this in school or in public. This was always a card he pulled a lot as he was always dealt with the same results. Their backs turned against him and walking away as he stuffs one of the earbuds in his ears and was met with something different.


The chair in front of him yelped softly, he looks back up and finding the girl grabbing the seat in front of her and sat in front of him. Shocking but Y/n rolled with it, sooner or later she will be tired of his presence like everyone else.

"There... Now can you leave?"

"...I didn't say I was gonna leave..."

"What? Deh... You..." she frowns at the boy but doesn't pushes it any further as she takes a forkful of her meal and takes a bite. He could see the look on her face, cute but he ignores her off by putting on the second earbud into his ears. "You know it's rude to listen to music when you're with someone..."

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