Chapter 3: My Chance

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I'm so sorry I took so long. So much work! Exams are coming up and I just ran home in sleet today :/ I wasn't even gonna update but I love you guys and just had to. This is the chappie you've all been waiting for. 


Chapter 3: My Chance

"One more year -- we just need to last one more year until college, Alli." I repeated wearily as I swung my arm over to turn off the alarm. Though, I hit it at a wrong angle so it ended up tumbling to the ground.


"Just fix it later," Alli stretched.

We did our morning routine and got ready, leaving plenty of time left before classes and enough for breakfast.

I open the drawer of the side table and pull out two unopened manila envelopes that contained our timetables. Carefully peeling off the flap, the two timetables slid out into my hands.

"I have Art/Dramatics and Music at the end of the day today. Why." I puffed out my cheeks in annoyance. She examined hers after I handed it over.

We had the four required classes here of course: Mathematics, Science, History, and English. Then one period was Lunch/Free, another one was sports. Those were mandatory on the schedule. And the last three varied with whatever you did. Mine was Photography Arts, Film Dramatics, and Music. Though, you always did something different in each. It was confusing until you got used to it. For example: In Film Dramatics, there could be times where we prepare for a play or learn about filming, etc. Our school year was divided into 4 quarters, which was about two and half months long each. All topics/units and sometimes timetables changed each quarter.

Still not getting it? That's fine.

"At least we have classes together, and lunch. Science, Sports, Film/Dramatics, and Music."

"That's good enough for me," I reply. Thank goodness lunch/free period is by grade. I've got most of my friends at that time then.

I stuffed my textbooks and sheet music into my bag. Even though it was the first day, and it would mostly be introductory, you never know. But when I lifted my bag with struggle I changed my mind and decided I'd be fine without most of the things and unpacked them. No need for unnecessary dragging.

After grabbing our keys we headed out onto campus and stopped by the Cali Cafe for breakfast and coffee.

"Toasted bagel with cream cheese, and iced cappuccino with extra cream, whipped cream, and caramel?"

"You know me so well."

She smirked and headed off to order while I sat down at an empty booth.

The Cafe was always popular, and had several locations. It was where we all got our breakfast on weekdays. On weekends and Friday, we got free breakfast in the cafeteria, where we actually had time to eat and stay relaxed with no rush.

"Here you go," Alli put our orders down on the table and took a seat.

"Thank you!" I unwrapped my bagel and spread the cream cheese over.

"So," I started, licking my fingers. "I wonder if anything special is happening this year."

"There's a new teacher...the one you saw the other day."

"That's not exactly special...and I don't actually know if he's a teacher."

She took a sip of her iced coffee. "Your aunt's boyfriend?"

I choke on my bagel and start to cough rapidly. Alli roughly hits my back several times and I calm down. I take slow breaths. In and out, in and out.

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