With the PAW Patrol

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We get a snowy transition that transitions to the pups pulling up to the Lookout with their new tree

RYDER: Okay, Chase, Everest and Johnathan, we're here.

RUBBLE: Don't worry, I'll take it from here.

RYDER: Easy Rubble, easy.

Rubble backs up next to the tree, lowers his claw, wraps the claw around the tree lifts it off the back of Johnathan's Truck and sets it on the ground next to the Lookout's Door.

RYDER: Okay, that'll do it, Rubble.

Rubble releases the crane from the tree, shuts off his rig, jumps out of it, runs towards Ryder, and stands by him.

RYDER: Thanks for the tree, Johnathan.

JOHNATHAN: Anytime, now if you don't mind Imma head home for Christmas Eve Dinner. Night, Ryder and Merry Christmas.

Johnathan climbs in his truck and drives off.

RYDER: Merry Christmas, Johnathan! Now come on, pups we gotta tree to set up again.

4 Hours Later

RYDER: Finally, after 4 hours the tree is set up once again and decorated.

ROCKY: Let's see if nothing catches on fire this time.

He pushes the button and it lights up and nothing catches on fire.

ROCKY: Woo! It worked yawns this time.

RYDER: I think it's time for bed pups. It's 8pm and we need to be asleep so Santa will come.

TRACKER: I yawns can't wait for tomorrow.


SWEETIE: This is my first Christmas in Adventure Bay and I'm yawns super hyped for Christmas tomorrow. Yawns It's gonna be great.

RYDER: Okay, sleepy pups off to bed with you.

The Lookouts door opens and Marshall, Rubble, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Skye, Everest, Tracker and Sweetie walk into the doors, and go to bed with Ryder following behind them.

RYDER: Merry Christmas, Adventure Bay.

He walks into the doors, they close behind him, he turns off his lights and the rest of Adventure Bay turns off their lights also.

PAW Patrol: A Christmas CarolWhere stories live. Discover now