Chapter Five: I'm Lucky?

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Chapter 5.

I wake up, for real this time. I see Mum and Dad.

"Baby," I slur groggily. Mum looks from Dad then back to me. She has tears in her eyes as she shakes her head.

I get tears in my eyes but try to hold them back. Only one single tear slips out and rolls down my cheek, slowly. It was as if it was emphasizing my sadness. I close my eyes again and wait for sleep to come.

It doesn't. I just lay there on the bed with my eyes closed and thinking.

Finally, I can't take it. I have to know what happened for sure. All I remember is coming around a corner and a red car smashes into me. He was in my lane.

I open my eyes and look for somebody to ask. Nobody is in the room with me anymore. I guess I didn't hear them leave.

The door opens and I see a nurse. "Hello, Tianna. Your parents told me you were awake," she smiles down at me.

"What happened?" I ask, but I can barely talk, still. My voice is crackly and dry, like my throat.

She hands me a glass of water. I accept it gratefully and chug it. I finish in about two seconds and hand the glass back to her. "What happened?" I repeat, this time stronger.

"You were in a car accident. The man driving the other car was passing somebody on a turn and hit you head on. You are lucky to be alive," she looks at me after she had finished.

"I'm lucky?" I ask her.

"Yes. You were hit in such a way, that you only got a few broken ribs, a broken arm and a broken leg."

"I'm lucky to be alive, but my baby isn't," I rub my belly with my left hand as I feel the tears come.

"I'm so sorry. The baby couldn't make it through the crash. We figure that they died on impact," she tells me.

I nod and settle back down so I could sleep. I hear her leave and I take a deep breath to stop the tears. It works somewhat. I am almost asleep when I hear the door open again.

I look up to see Louis. I smile slightly as he sits on the edge of my bed. He sits beside my left leg so I move the heavy leg cast to the side to make more room. I flinch as I feel pain in my chest but I don't let my smile falter.

"Hey," he says softly.

 "Hi," I say, my smile growing.

"How are you feeling?" he asks.

"Fine. But... Sad," I answer slowly, my smile evaporates.

Louis looks from my face to my hands on my belly. He puts his hand over top of mine. "I had a dream about it," I whisper as I feel tears come.

"You did?" he asks. I'm pretty sure he is holding back tears.

I nod. "In my dream, I was holding T.J. Then David comes in posing as a nurse. He takes my baby from me but I couldn't go get him back because I was strapped to the bed. I freak out then I wake up to see I'm in a hospital like in my dream," I explain through my tears.

 He runs his hand over my belly and I see a tear slide down his cheek but he tries not to show it.

Was he actually sad because my baby died? Why would he be? We have basically just met six days ago! It's not like it was his. Unless he wanted it to be...

But we technically weren't even dating because he hasn't had a chance to tell Eleanor yet. He wipes the tear away and looks back to me, sadly. "I called to tell you Happy Birthday. But it's not very happy. I will stay with you for your birthday, though," he promises softly. I nod as I try to stop the tears.

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