Meeting the housemates

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The way i entered the house was not how i expected it. But i wouldnt change it if i could. You see, my oh so reliable father dropped me off to the house, and didnt tell me which way to get in, he was almost in a rush, hah.

The house was fucking huge. It was white with marble decor, and it looked like the place my aunt once took me to for summer break. I shake the thought out of my head.  I walk round the house, before seeing a set of stairs which led to a balcony, that felt right.

I walked up the steps, and peered at the stunning view  before opening the balcony door which led to a room.

Now the room was stunning, im sure. But i wasnt looking at the room. i was looking at the girl i had walked in on, and her lack of clothing.

In front of me, was a girl in only her underwear and a pair of knee high socks, her body was beautiful. Curvy and perfect and tanned and  toned. Basically she was hot as fuck.

I looked at her for at least five minutes as she raked through her case.  I couldve stared forever, but i realised that would probably lose my chances of getting laid by this chick if i was caught perving. so i waited till she dissappeared to the bathroom, before bolting out of the main bedroom door, and downstairs.

Man, does this House know how to choose hot chicks.

In front of me, were three girls chatting about something.

The first was like the definition of hot nerd, her skin was dark gold and the way she bit her lip was pretty sexy.

The second, i should probably not chase, because she looked like the kind of girl who would be an excellent fuck, but one that might only be little worth the effort. With her purple hair and her dark eyes, she stuck out, i liked that.

The third was probably my definition of perfect. This chick, was pure. but she looked like she could be kinky as fuck. Like some sort of fallen angel.

I labelled them as the rich chicks. I moved my eyes to the opposite corner of the huge room ,ignoring the reporters and managers and various other fuckheads.

My eyes landed on a girl slumped against the wall, recieving dirty ass looks from the rich chicks.

Her hair was blonde, and her eyes were bright blue, and she was dressed scantily, with a black bandeau and leather shorts. Hot. but not perfect. An easy fuck maybe.

Her eyes met mine for a second, and she gave me a smirk, noticing me checking her out. She skimmed my body once over before smiling and turning away.

Before i could let my mind wander further, a man who i assume was the director, came and ushered us all to him, before letting us know that we would be expected to share a room with a housemate of the opposite sex.

Guess whos getting laid.

AN// So! do we like Cole or nah? and have you figured out who everyone is yet? im so excited for this ahhh, just keep in mind sex scenes will be in most chapters because of how reality tv works okok xo

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