Chapter 5

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Following Zack and Ava was not an effortless task. Drew had to make sure that they were in sight while making sure that he was not spotted.

He checked the map on his wristphone and noticed that Zack was moving towards Shades district, the poorest region in Mecca.

As soon as Drew entered the area, a horrible stench reached him. He had read about the lack of proper sewage disposal in the district, but he had no idea how worse the smell was until now.

Even the buildings were pale. They lacked Veranium glasses and even proper paint. There were barely any hologram advertisement boards in the entire district. Surely, someone like Zack would have no business in a place like that.

Zack and Ava finally stopped outside a heavy metal gate. Tall fences surrounded it from all sides, equipped with electric shocks for any intruder. While it was difficult to view anything properly because of the fence, Drew could make out that it was a factory due to complex tubes and smoke purifier tanks that were visible at the top.

The area around the factory was completely lonely. A few buildings were there nearby, but they seemed abandoned. It was obvious that the factory wasn't running as well, but rather being used for other purposes.

Drew made sure that he was not in sight when Zack and Ava examined their surroundings. Oblivious to the presence of Drew, Ava started rummaging through her bag until she found what she was looking for–a detonator.

While Drew hadn't seen one in real life, he had watched enough action movies to know how it looked like. A small red box with a simple LED light and a screen on top. The detonator looked just like the box for a ring, but it possessed something far more deadly.

Ava adjusted the impact of the detonator using her wristphone and finally set it off.

It was only a minor explosion this time. Drew couldn't even hear it properly from the distance. But it had done the job of destroying a portion of the fence.

Zack and Ava had an inaudible conversation with each other before finally going in. Drew thought about following them inside, but then paused.

Instead, he used his wristphone to make a call.

"Yes, master?" Chip's voice came up on his phone.

"I hope my dad made you smart enough to obey this command. But can you come along with my bag to my location? I have marked the route that you have to take to avoid people. But people will just assume you for a toy, so you will be fine probably," Drew instructed.

"Okay master," Chip replied.

"Did you understand my instructions? Are you coming?" Drew replied. However, no reply came from Chip.

"Ugh, great!" Drew muttered.

Realizing that he would not be getting any help from his robot, he simply proceeded inside the factory.

A vast complex came into view as soon as Drew went beyond the boundary. Other than broken cars and discarded machinery, the complex was mostly empty except for the main factory and a few storage warehouses.

Since Zack and Ava were no longer in sight, Drew headed for the main factory, hoping that they would be inside. The fear of being observed through a camera came into his mind, but since he couldn't detect any imminent danger, he continued ahead.

There was a metal double door at the front of the factory, but since it was locked, Drew looked for other ways of entering.

When Drew reached the backside of the factory, the first thing to catch his attention was a man lying on the ground. At first, Drew feared that the man was dead, but a closer look confirmed that he was just passed out.

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