A Face To Forget (Part 18)

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Y/N's POV:

You freeze at the sight of the demon's now visible full face. It's mouth curled into a wicked grin of malice, it's eyes blood thirsty, it made eye contact with you and your heart began to thump at the sight of the now recognizable face of this demon. “K-Kota...!?” you thought to yourself before snapping back into reality. Inosuke came charging, rage fuelled from behind Kota and slicing his one arm off just as Kota moved out the way. You looked around for Tanjiro, Zenitsu or Nezuko but they were no where to be seen.

You steadied yourself against the strong blowing wind that whipped across all around, you scanned the area to make sure you didn't miss anything. Your katana was firmly in your grip as you made your way towards Kota and Inosuke. Kota was about to strike a blow on Inosuke from above before you quickly ran between the two, blocking the attack, Kota snarled in anger and body slammed you to the ground, ready to bite down. Inosuke rammed himself against Kota's side, making you able to kick him off of you. “Inosuke where are the others!?” you asked him as he came to your side. “Konjiro and Monitsu were knocked off the edges!” he replied out of breath. You feel your chest pull in as you heard him say those words. “Let's just finish off this demon and worry about them afterwards!” you ordered as you clenched your teeth.

Nezuko's POV:

I awoke from my unconscious state to see Zenitsu and oni chan lying on the grassy surface, the bushes all around us probably saved them from dying but they were pretty much out cold. I felt all the injuries I received regenerate as I laid still, blinking and watching to make sure nothing suprise attacks us. I weakly stood up, shrunk to a smaller size as it was easier to walk as, and walked over to Zenitsu as he was closer. I tried shaking him awake but he didn't respond, I could sense he was still breathing so I wasn't panicked. My train of thought was interrupted by the sudden realization that Inosuke and Y/N were no where to be seen. “MPHHHH!” I exclaimed under my bamboo mask, if they weren't here then they were either thrown off somewhere else or still on the train with all those innocent people.

The train couldn't have been far since it was slowing down during the fight inside it. I wobbled over to oni chan and started shaking his shoulder, making him groan in pain. “Please be safe Y/N...” I thought to myself as I focused my attention on trying to wake both boys up.

Y/N's POV:

You see Inosuke get flung once again, but this time he fell off the train causing you to stare in shock for a brief moment before looking back at Kota, the train had basically stopped so Inosuke couldn't have been as injured as the others. You stare right into Kota's now demonic eyes. “Was it our fault your a demon!?” you cried out in a somewhat desperate attempt to avoid more fighting. He stayed silent for about a few seconds before he flung his head back and howled in laughter. “Hah... That Tanjiro ruined my entire plan when he put suspicion on one of us being a demon, besides that brat with the bamboo gag of course...” You could feel your blood boil as he finished that sentence. You then noticed something behind Kota that brought hope back into your face. The sun was starting to rise and Kota hadn't noticed it yet. You slowly lowered your katana, you thought of a plan that would only work if you timed it right. “So you were always a demon!? How were you able to walk in the sun!” you asked in disbelief. “Pretty simple really... Someone was carrying around a flower called the blue spider lily, although bc it wasn't freshly plucked and I didn't understand how to properly use it, it would only be able to work for a certain period of time. When I'm finished killing you I'll have to re-apply it so I can last another week in the sun. He finally finished, smiling wickedly.

He was about to attack when he noticed the glowing rays of light beginning to brighten the train and landscape, he quickly turned around. You saw the opening you were waiting for and raised your sword again, closing your eyes. In a matter of seconds you were speeding towards him in a black cloud and ran your katana through his chest while knocking him over. You both slammed down with a thud as you quickly returned to your humanoid state, pinning his arms to the ground. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU BASTERD!” He screeched as the sun began to loom over the distant mountains. The katana was skewered into him and went through the train cabin's metal roof, he was struggling to get up, plus you pinning his arms down made it more difficult. He managed to bite down on your shoulder just before he began screaming in pain as he started disintegrating, you got up as most of his body was gone and pulled your katana from the train, covering your shoulder as you felt a feeling of victory.

You slid your katana back into it's seethe and watched the sunrise contine. Just then you got startled by someone grabbing the box that was still on your back, it was Tanjiro! “Y/N are you okay?!” he asked in a worried but relieved tone. You smiled happily, grateful he was still alive, “Nezuko needs her box!” he continued. You gently removed the box from your back and Tanjiro picked it up, swinging it around his back. “Let's get you bandaged up” he said while grabbing your wrist. You both jump off the train and walked into the forest of trees right next to the train tracks. You suddenly felt someone wrap their arms around your waist. It was Nezuko, she looked so relieved to see you and you felt the same, you turned yourself around to return the hug. “Y/N...” you hear a voice call your name. You looked in the direction the voice was coming from to see Zenitsu walk slowly towards you with tears swelling in his eyes and his hands cupped in front of him. “Zenitsu what's wrong?” you finally ask as he stopped walking. He lowered his hands slowly and revealed to be holding something in them, something furry. You let go of Nezuko and limp over to Zenitsu. You almost choke from shock as you looked at him... Tears running down your cheeks.

To Be Continued


I've decided to change the ending to be a suprise for you guys but the next last bit of chapters might be a bit rushed if I run out of ideas, sorry for making you all wait so long for this

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