Sharing A Wish (Part 15)

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Y/N's POV:

You wake up to see the sun rising. You quickly get up to see Nezuko still sleeping. "Sh*t I gotta get her back to her box!" you thought to yourself, clearly panicked. You shook her a bit, she didn't wake up. You pick her up as quickly, yet as gently as possible. You start running, taking a deep breath in your feet start hovering above the ground as a black onyx colored misty cloud is under your feet. You speed through the air, your (h/l), (h/c) hair swayed back as the wind blew. The rustling of branches, leaves and twigs could be heard all around you. It was extremely tiring to use this breathing style, especially when you now have extra weight. You look back down at Nezuko who was still sleeping, her bamboo gag was hanging around her neck. As carefully as possible you are able to get Nezuko's mask back on her mouth. The air around you is thin... You feel a cloud of exhaustion fill up your lungs. You pant aggressively trying to gain more speed, your pupils shift all over the place trying to see the village where the others were.

You head starts spinning as a flashback starts forming in your head.
You remember running through the thick heap of snow that surrounded you as you tried to reach your home village. The smell of blood seaped all around you as you were dragging your brother's almost lifeless body while tears flowed down your cheeks. His clothes torn out and blood stains on his face could be visible. You remember seeing the creature tackle him to the ground and scored a couple of bites to the head and sides. Luckily the sun was rising and the creature ran before delivering any fatel blows. You watched as your brother helplessly dragged himself to the door before losing consciousness.

You return back to reality still at the same pace. You keep your composure and ignored the pain in your chest. What started to scare you was the burning flesh of Nezuko's arm. She woke up immediately and moaned in pain as she grabbed her degenerating arm. "I won't fail this time..." you thought to yourself before controlling your breathing and gaining more and more speed. Hope fills your body when you see the old buildings up ahead of you. "Nezuko we're almost there!" you say to her in a happy tone. She didn't show any facial expression but you could see the twinkle of happiness in her eyes. When you got there, the others were asleep. You took a sigh of relief knowing that now you didn't have to explain yourself. You look around for the wooden box, you see it next to Tanjiro. You manage to get Nezuko to fit back in and you closed it. You sat down on the rock that you were sitting on earlier. You started panting trying to get your breath back after that run. Your heart racing as you took deep breaths. "Y/N what the hell is wrong with you!" you thought to yourself while putting your face against your hands trying not to cry. "I knew I should have scolded Nezuko for bringing us there..." you clenched your teeth, guilt starts forming all over you. You looked at Nezuko's box... "Ughhhh... Curse you demon! Why have you affected me so much..." Then your memory shifts back to the kiss, your face warms up as the memory comes back again and again. "What am I doing...?" you stand up and take a big breath as you look around the area a bit. "This place looks so beautiful and peaceful at dawn..." you smirk a little trying to think happy thoughts.

Nezuko's POV:

Arrgg... I never really felt such a painful feeling in a long time. The smell of my burning flesh made me gag a little. Y/N saved me and I'm so thankful! I feel bad for worrying them, they must have blamed themselves for not looking after me. I sighed a fell asleep again.

Y/N's POV:

Your attention drifts to the sudden movement of Zenitsu waking up. "Hmm? Y/N, your here?" you says while rubbing the sleep out his eyes. "Yea... Woke up a bit ago" you lie hoping he believes you. "So Nezuko is back too?" he says again but this time just a blank expression is shown on his face. "Yea... She's probably still sleeping in her box" you reply again. He nods and gets up, he gets up slowly to avoid waking up the others and to avoid getting morning dizziness. He dusts himself off and looks around. "Your still gonna teach me how to be braver?" he asks still looking away. "Sure, for now let me teach you how to fight properly" you say while smiling. He grabs his katana and follows you a bit away from the others so you two wouldn't disturb them. The sound of your swords colliding were fierce as you now found out that Zenitsu was a fast learner. "Remember your enemies are just obstacles! Don't let them get to you!" You shout as you start attacking him from above. "I heard your master was the mist hashira!" he says while clearly panting as exhaustion starts overcoming him. You stop attacking for a bit to let him breath. "Control your breathing! If you don't want to die early then practice that!" you look at him with seriousness all over your face. "And yes... To answer your question" Zenitsu looks at you with a confused look. "How come you don't talk about him?" he asks clearly trying to stall you. "He is a very forgetful... But he did teach me one thing" you say while stretching your sides getting ready to attack. You speed through the air at him and your katana slides across his as a piercing noise came from the blades.

"Don't talk unless you need to" you say as you brace yourself of the impact you hit the ground. "Speaking of which... You never told me about your breathing style" you carry on as you stood up straight. Your eyes lock on to Zenitsu's... He held his katana firmly but you could see him tremble out of fear of a surprise attack. "I-I used to have a master... Well I called him gramps" he said in a sad tone. You look at him with confusion. "Gramps taught me how to use thunder breathing! But I was only able to use the first form..." he said again but with a slight sad chuckle. You bow your head as a sign of respect. "H-Hey Y/N?" he asked while you were still bowing. You look up at him, "Hm?" you asked while raising your eyebrow. "W-What are you gonna do when w-we defeat M-Muzan?" he continued with a curious look on his face. Now that you think about it... You never really thought about it until Zenitsu asked. "Heh... Probably leave, get married and start a family" you reply with a unsure look. "Maybe even just seclude myself away from everyone and live my life in peace would be nice too" you carry on.

He looks at you with confusion. “Why do you sound upset about it?” you look at him with a frown. “I was originally planning on dying while finishing off Muzan...” you reply in a calm manner. “WHY WOULD YOU EVER WANT THAT!?” Zenitsu shouts. “I just honestly don't see a purpose of my life besides fighting demons...” you reply again. He runs towards you and you hold your katana firmly at your front. He drops his weapon midway and you lower yours, he wraps his arms around you. “W-What are you doing Zenitsu?!” you surprisingly shouted. “I know that Nezuko~Chan hugs you a lot... But I feel like this one you might need” he replied with a reassuring smile. You don't know why, but tears could be felt rolling down your cheeks. You returned the hug clenching your teeth and dropping your katana. “Thank you Zenitsu...” he didn't say anything, but you knew his silence ment 'your welcome'.

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