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It was another triumph for our teenage heroes, but little did they know that their fears of their enemies plotting their downfall were about to come to fruition, as one of WOOHPs greatest foes, Terrence, had set a plan in motion some time ago. Several months previously, Spider-Woman, the Wasp and the Invisible Girl had defeated a mad scientist known as The Inventor, after which the girls, along with their mothers and previously-brainwashed classmates, headed back home. But before the WOOHP team could confiscate all of The Inventor's gear in the warehouse, a man with a huge afro had snuck in and taken a silver bulky, futuristic-looking firearm...


Aboard a leaky submarine, underneath the waters near a certain dock in Long Beach, two villainous-looking men toasted their glasses and basked in a minor victory, believing that at long last, they had the means to destroy WOOHP once and for all.

Aboard a leaky submarine, underneath the waters near a certain dock in Long Beach, two villainous-looking men toasted their glasses and basked in a minor victory, believing that at long last, they had the means to destroy WOOHP once and for all

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"Excellent work," Terrence Lewis said, adjusting his ascot as he studied the weapon thoroughly with an eager expression. "I knew that there would have been something of use in the Inventor's lair, when I first head about the anti-spy weapons he had been developing."

"Yeah, man," Gus replied, taking a drink, then setting his glass down. "I just had to wait for the perfect time to sneak in, and... Bam! And there was so much other junk there, that it'll be ages before those WOOHP agents realise that this box of tricks is missing. That is, if they realise at all!"

Terrence cleaned off his monocle, nodded, and rubbed his chin. "Time to see what this thing can do," he said with a chuckle, as he got out of his seat and moved to pick up the strange firearm.

Though he was well in his sixties, Terrence was able to lift the hefty weapon up with ease, and took aim at worn-out machine parts that Gus had set on a table on the other side of the room. His finger poised on the trigger, and he exhaled, as he prepared to fire...

"I bet it's some kinda disintegrator ray!" Gus said absently, startling Terrence to comic effect.

The grey-haired man swung around to glower at his only friend, if he could even call him that. When Terrence had first created the LAMOS, he had hoped that his team would prove to be more than a match for the spies and Terrence's goody-two-shoes brother, Jerry. Unfortunately, the girls were able to use their powers to overcome the various schemes of LAMOS in no time flat, and in addition, the anti-spy team was already down a member, since Terrence was unable to recruit Tim Scam, due to his death on WOOHP Island. In the end, with more members getting captured, the LAMOS was reduced to just Terrence and Boogie Gus, and since they could not take on the whole of WOOHP by themselves, they had been forced into hiding ever since.

"I'm- trying- to focus!" Terrence blurted out, fuming at his associate as he tried to work out how the weapon actually worked.

"O-ok. Chill, man," Gus said, finishing his glass and lounging in his seat.

Terrence frowned and raised his shoulder-pads with a shrug to loosen up, then aimed a second time, and finally squeezed the trigger. But to his disappointment, nothing happened.

Puzzled, Terrence looked at the weapon again, and he let out a frustrated groan.

"Blast! There's some kind of code lock on this gun," he said, pointing to a small keypad on the side of the weapon. "The weapon will only work if you punch in the correct numerical code."

"Leave it to me, chief," said Boggie Gus, as he took the weapon from Terrence. "I'll crack that code for you in no time flat!"

In reality, it took several months for Gus to crack the code, as the Inventor had opted to use a very long and complex number for the lock. But eventually, Gus found the right sequence of numbers to punch in the keypad, and now the weapon was ready for use.

 But eventually, Gus found the right sequence of numbers to punch in the keypad, and now the weapon was ready for use

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"Here we are, boss," said Gus as he handed the weapon back to Terrence. "Should be working a-ok now."

With a slightly pessimistic expression, Terrence took aim with the weapon and pulled the trigger. But what came out of the gun shocked both men, perhaps more than anything they had ever seen. Instead of a laser beam as they had expected, a bizarre, black ectoplasm-like substance shot out through the nozzle and flew down to the floor below them. It stretched and moved about with a squelching sound, seemingly alive.

Gus scrambled to his feet to get a better look at it, though not too close.

"W-what is that thing?!" Gus asked in astonishment.

"As if I know," Terrence retorted shakily, pulling the trigger, then flipping a switch to try to contain the bizarre creature. "I'm trying to get it back in the gun!"

But before he could, the entity sprang at the leader of LAMOS, who cried out in terror as it bonded with its host as a symbiote! Though he thrashed about, his entire body was soon covered in the black substance, leaving him with white pupilless eyes, a series of long sharp teeth, and incredibly huge muscles.

Gus gave a panicked yell, back-pedalling and trying to grab the table behind him, his eyes wide in terror as he beheld the monstrous figure standing before him.

"T-Terry?" he said, hoping his leader would reply that he was simply more powerful than before.

Instead, the muscular creature that hardly resembled Terrence opened its jaws to reveal a bizarrely long tongue, then spoke in a disturbing alien-like tone

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Instead, the muscular creature that hardly resembled Terrence opened its jaws to reveal a bizarrely long tongue, then spoke in a disturbing alien-like tone.

"Weee... are... VENOM!"

Gus screamed and darted out of the way as the man-monster lunged forward to smash his way out of the largest porthole he could find with astounding strength, instantly shattering the thick glass like a common house window. Water rushed inside, sweeping Gus off his feet and banging him into a metal wall, as the thing that had once been Terrence Lewis simply shot out of the submarine with a burst of leg power, and began to swim its way to the surface, leaving behind the sinking sub, and condemning his last former ally to a watery fate...

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