American Girl

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You see the face of a doll, but boy do I see much more
When I look in her eyes I see the strength that is masked with fear

Fear of being told to shut up, fear of being judged, fear of not being good enough
It is that fear that keeps our girls from snatching opportunities of a lifetime
It is that same exact fear that keeps us from living the American Dream

For decades many American girls have paved the way for today, but yet we're still afraid
Inside that doll I see the American girl that has lost her roots,
I see the mother that is told to watch after her master's kids as she faces the chances of having to say good bye to her baby tomorrow,
I see the girl that wanted nothing more but to sit in an all white bar as a policeman escorts her to the county's car,
I see the woman that demanded she'd have her seat in the front of the bus,
I see the little black girl in an all white school,
I see millions of girls longing for what we have today
Sure it ain't all perfect, but the wait was definitely worth it

As I speak with you today I ask that you let the fear flush away as your imagination takes you away
I ask that you say what you need to say and don't let fear have its way
Take this world and hold it in your hands as if it is what your father commands
Own your spot in this world and don't let anyone tell you what you can't do
Love yourself and don't worry about anything else

You are an American girl, you are a caretaker, a fierce companion, a learner, a demander, but most importantly remember an American girl is you

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