Chapter One

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"And you're sure you'll be fine?" Lorelei, a mother of two very reckless elves, asked her eldest, her son. Arcturus smiled at his worried mother and nodded his head, proudly.

He was, for the first time, leaving Mirkwood on a journey to Rivendell to visit his two best friends, Cassiopeia and Adreanna.

He was going alone, with no guards- or well he hoped for no guards at least. Either way, he was excited for the road ahead of him and couldn't wait to meet up with his dearest friends. He hasn't seen either of them for decades, merely a few letters here and there.

"Yes, I'll be fine. It's only for a few weeks. I'll be back without a scratch." Arcturus grinned at his mother, dearly. Lorelei shook her head, a smile on her face as she folded her arms. Remi, Arcturus's little sister, came running down the stairs- as she always does to come and see her big brother.

Remi ran and jumped into her older brother's arms, snuggling her face in the crook of his neck in a tight embrace.

Remi had her mother's bright blue eyes and her father's dark brown hair that flowed to her shoulders. She had light freckles and the most energetic personality you could ever see. She was curious about everything on Middle Earth and often asked her big brother to tell her stories of his adventures.

Arcturus also had his father's dark brown hair, it wasn't all that traditionally long, only reaching halfway down his neck with little curls. He had his father's emerald green eyes, with little flecks of brown here and there. Like his little sister, Arcturus had freckles but his were more apparent and darker. He had quite a few scars littering his body from fighting giant spiders that roamed his home forest and other accidents he managed to get himself in.

Lorelei, their mother, had ash blonde hair that went to her waist and nordic blue eyes with specks of green. Unlike her children, she did not have any freckles. She had scars all over her body, her more known scar being the one across her face from an orc during battle. It started from her left eyebrow and ended by her right jawline.

Respen, who was their father, had dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. He had freckles that dusted his face and many battle scars. He was the most generous person Arcturus had ever met. Respen was there most of Arcturus's childhood- however, Remi never got to meet him as he was killed during a small war against the dwarves after a broken promise a short time before Remi was born.

"Where are you going, Arty?" Remi asked, playing with her brother's hair. Arcturus smiled and set Remi down onto her own feet and ruffled her dark hair.

"I'm going to go see Dre and Cas in Imladris. But I'll be back in a few weeks and then we can play all you want." Arcturus kissed little Remi's forehead. Remi smiled up at him and stood on her little tippy toes to give her big brother a small kiss on the nose - who had to kneel down for her to do so.

"Have fun! Say hello to Elrohir and Elladan for me!" Remi giggled as she ran back up the stairs after bidding her farewells to her brother. Lorelei shook her head in amusement.

"You best be off if you want to get there before dawn." Lorelei kissed her son's forehead and handed Arcturus his bags and weapons.

"Goodbye, Naneth. Bye, Remi!" Arcturus bowed his head before walking out of the door that led to his family's chambers. He walked down the hallways, heading towards the stables where he kept his horse, Satin.

He hadn't been paying much attention to his surroundings, it was only when he ran straight into a familiar red-headed she-elf that he snapped back into reality.

"Tauriel." Arcturus grinned down at his friend, Tauriel smiled back with a roll of her green eyes. Arcturus turned to the blond elf in his presence.
"Prince Legolas."

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