Chapter 25: An Unexpected Connection

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After letting herself inside her workroom, Sabrina made her way toward the wall of windows, waving a hand to stop the lights that began to glow, spelled to respond to her presence. Coming to a stop before the panoramic view, she gazed outwards, letting her eyes adjust to the moonlit scene.

The tall trees of the Schwarzwald appeared especially ominous at night, their tips waving gently in an invisible wind, but whether they were warning her away or trying to entice her closer, she couldn't say.

Sabrina lowered herself into a sitting position before the windows, not even bothering to grab a chair or conjure a cushion. From her vantage point, the Neckar River looked like a silver ribbon thrown carelessly across a black ground, twisting this way and that, shimmering beneath the full moon.

Gazing at the woods, she tried to imagine what in the spells would ever possess her to set foot where her kind were forbidden. While she'd always assumed most of the stories she'd grown up hearing about the forest were greatly exaggerated, intended to keep curious young witchlings from venturing too near, she'd also seen for herself just how dangerous the Schwarzwald could be, making it even more likely she'd keep her distance.

But now, knowing at least one of her possible futures directly involved the forest, she felt an intense interest in the woods. Now that it affected her personally, the Schwarzwald was far more interesting. If only she had a way to gain more information about it...

Staring out into the blackness as moonlight danced off the river, Sabrina narrowed her eyes, thinking, methodically rifling through her stored mental images, recalling things from books, lectures, and conversations. She paused when she recalled some of the things Hermann Vale had mentioned, most notably about Nichts being interested in the forest for valuable resources such as timber and precious metals.

She'd become increasingly skilled at connecting with metal without needing to touch it or even see it...was it possible to connect with the metal inside the Schwarzwald?

A flicker of excitement sparked inside her chest, and Sabrina sat up straighter, even as she cautioned herself not to be overly hopeful. Most likely the Waldkonig had secured his forest against those who sought to connect with it in any way; after all, even the Hexen Seers couldn't see anything involving the Schwarzwald.

Additionally, it seemed impossible that no other witch over the past two hundred years had attempted to gather information about the Schwarzwald using her affinity...Sabrina had stumbled upon the idea completely by accident, but surely she couldn't be the only one.

Of course, it was also possible the Forest King had secured his forest against those who sought to look directly at it, while overlooking the need to bar those who could gain information about the woods by accessing it she could through her affinity.

And the majority of the Hexen were content doing as they were told, especially when it came to the Schwarzwald. It was at least possible most of them had never even considered trying to connect with something inside the forbidden forest, much less actively attempted such a thing.

Thinking back to her experience with the knife in the tavern, Sabrina suddenly remembered that just because she was capable of doing something didn't necessarily mean she ought to, and for a moment, she pondered the wisdom of what she was considering.

Ultimately, though, she cast her doubt aside. Now that she'd asked the question, the need to find an answer consumed her, leaving her with a singular focus. And, she reasoned, she wouldn't technically be violating the treaty, as she wouldn't even be near the forest, instead performing her magic safely on the other side of the Neckar River, inside the castle.

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