Chapter 8: The Concert.

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Later that evening, everyone piled into the Electrodome. "VIP group?" Mariel whispered "I don't remember EVER signing up for that." she looked at the stage as it was decorated with various jewels and sequins to compliment this mysterious pop-star's taste. "You sure you wanna be here, Mariel? This place SCREAMS seizure city." Slider commented. "Just cuz I have epilepsy doesn't mean I'm triggered by flashing lights, Sli. Plus everyone is different." Mariel shrugged before the PA system turned on once again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, and all mythical creatures alike! Please welcome the woman you've been waiting for....NOTTORIOUS NEZ!"

The crowds cheered and raised up their glowsticks while chanting "Nezzie" over and over again. Mariel and the group thought for a minute. "Wait a second....Nezzie?" Matt said before a cloud of fog faded as "NEZ" stepped onto the stage. She then looked at Matt and cracked a smile. "Don't call me Nezzie." she said in a flirty tone as the crowd gasped. Inez turned to the audience. "This next song goes out to someone who at one point would talk to me everyday, but some people just...change." EDM music began to flood the stadium as people stared to clap their hands to the beat of the music. This song just so happened to be an EDM verion of Billie Eilish's recent hit "Happier Than Ever." Mariel and her friends were stunned at how talented Inez was. "Matt, pull out my phone and start recording!" Mariel whispered handing Matt the phone. She recoiled back into her seat before Inez grabbed her by the collar. 

"Cuz I'd never treat me this shitty...." She sang in a deep voice as the crowd egged her on.. "YOU MADE ME HATE THIS CITY!!!!" She then went on to scream and throw Mariel on the stage. Everybody froze, Joseph wanted to beat the shit out of Inez, but wound up being restrained by Matt. The music stopped as Inez fell to her knees on the stage and started sobbing. "What have I done..." she cried. Mariel laid there in silence as Inez walked up to her. "Mariel....I'm sorry. I know things have been different lately but I really have some things I wanna get off my chest...." the audience just wound up muttering to each other as Matt hen started to livestream what happened...

"I feel like you don't care about me or the others anymore. All you care about is your followers and whatever else may rise you to fame. That's why I created this persona, to try to build that self confidence to hopefully gain the same popularity you did... and now look where that led me..." She then took off her pink wig and set it aside. "I know what happened last year was something you deeply regret and want to put behind you, and you want to be a better person. But now I know you wanted to handle things privately rather than put it out to the general public..." Inez turned to the audience. "And I'm sorry to all of you..." she walked backstage as everyone left. Matt and the rest of the group got up from their seats and rushed to Mariel's aid...

Inez was in the dressing room, bawling her eyes out. "I'm such a fucking asshole..." she muttered to herself before feeling a paw place on her shoulder. "No you're not..." Mariel whispered before receiving a hug from her friend. "I'm sorry I haven't spent enough time with you guys.... Now what do you say we do one more song?" Mariel replied before Inez got back into gear and ran on stage. The crowd then cheered as they piled back in. "Take it away, Nezzie." Mariel said holding a mic in her hand. "With pleasure..." Inez replied as the two continued the night singing in harmony... 

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