Chapter 4: Perkins Cafe.

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"Wait. Didn't you drop something on our way out of the diner?" Joseph suggested. The it dawned on her, Mariel had left her phone just after she tried calling Inez. "Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck" she growled anxiously while flapping her paws. "Ok ok, just calm down, let's retrace our steps." her boyfriend assured her. Mariel took a few deep breaths. "Let's head back to the diner, and we'll find it." Slider mentioned. "Uh I don't know if you remember, babe. But our train is coming by in 5 minutes! And the diner is 5 minutes away! We don't have that kind of time!" Jackie said. Everyone sighed before Matt ran off to go back to the diner. "MATT STOP!" Mariel shouted. "We can leave him. He's a fucking dumbass anyways. I mean Matt can't tell a phone from a stick." Slider laughed. Mariel sighed remorsefully "Alright... We can leave him." 

Matt ran as fast as he possibly could before getting to Amber's Diner within 3 minutes flat. The phone was still on the sidewalk and hadn't been touched by anybody. "Oh good, its still here. Huh? A new voice message?" Matt picked up the phone and played the message. 

"Hey, Mariel. Its Inez, I apologize for what happened earlier. I haven't really been doing too good today myself. As for Electric City? You'll have to wait until you get there. And just for the record... I care about you guys too...." then the message ended abruptly. Matt could only feel being hit with guilt like it was a ton of bricks. He clutched the phone in his hands and ran back to the subway station.... but it was too late... The rest of the group had left for Electric City, and the next train there wasn't for another 30 minutes. "Fuck my life..." Matt sighed while plopping himself on a bench. 

Before you know it, Inez had arrived at her destination. She made a B-line for Perkins Cafe and Diner, a small coffee shop much like The Roost in Animal Crossing. The girl walked in to be greeted by the strong scent of freshly ground coffee beans. "Inez! Nice to see you today." The clerk greeted. "Want your usual?" they asked. Inez winked "You betcha. Mind if I have an extra scone too?" The clerk gave a thumbs up and got to work. Inez made her way to a chair by the fireplace, picking up a magazine and reading it to pass the time. But just as she was about to read the first page, she saw her friends were across the street. "Shit."  She thought to herself. 

Mariel and the guys were browsing the various shops and cafes surrounding them. "Mariel? There's a giant CD thing here." Joseph spoke in a confused tone. "The CD player this thing goes into must be huge..." he muttered. "You dingbat, this is a record store!" Slider retorted. "Mariel then ran into the store, hoping that they'd have the remastered version of the "Scott Pilgrim VS The World" soundtrack. "Looks like Mariel is in rabies mode..." Jackie whispered to her friends. "Yknow, as much as we all hate him, I feel bad for leaving Matt behind. He probably found Mariel's phone by now and tried to bring it back to us." Slider said. 

Meanwhile, Matt was on the next train to Electric City. "Man this is boring." He thought to himself.... "Say, how long until we get to Electric City?" He asked the passenger next to him. "Uhhhh about 15 minutes." the passenger replied. Matt sighed and plopped back in his seat. "Maybe I should text Inez...Nah, I should just let her wait..." Matt said. 

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