Chapter 7

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As the day progressed the students of 1-A were becoming more and more excited over the plans for the weekend. Each one had gone out to get everything they'd pledged to get before the party, and it all sat neatly in the common room of the dorms. Only two students weren't looking forward to the party: one because she didn't know about it, one because he still felt awkward in social situations.

Now, to be fair, the other students believed that L/N had already been invited and so never thought to extend one. The girl in question was going through her day seeming to be blissfully unaware of the party that would exclude her and planned, instead, for a dinner that would include Aizawa, Nemuri, Present Mic, Endeavor and Recovery Girl. She had a list of all the tasty things she was going to buy before she went to Aizawa's place, the second list of suggestions from the dinner guests and the amount of time it would take to complete the meal. She'd even secured a cake that she and Satou worked on together because, no matter how she tried, she just couldn't get the strawberry icing down. She was so deep in her own world, she never even heard the other students talking about the party.

Todoroki, on the other hand, was finding it difficult to be excited about the party. Yes, he'd be with his friends, and yes, his girlfriend was the host so she'd be there, but he'd never really been good with people. Past notwithstanding, he still had difficulty dealing with people other than Midoriya and Bakugo. He felt comfortable around those two because of their encouragement, even though with Bakugo is was more subtle and backhanded.

Even though he was dating Yaoyorozu, he still had difficulty dealing with her, too. He had heard several of the girls remark on his looks, to his great dismay. He'd always thought he wasn't all that attractive because of his scar, but, apparently, that wasn't the case. He'd heard some refer to him as 'the great Endeavor's son' on a few occasions as well, which he nearly threw up over. But Yaoyorozu seemed to be a bit too much for him to handle. He looked up the words to describe what he felt: anxious, suffocated. He then looked up the words to describe Yaoyorozu: clingy, suffocating, obsessive.

He tried to think it wasn't a big deal. This was his first relationship after all, and he still had no idea just how he's supposed to react to things, what encouragement to give, how to handle romantic situations...basically everything you're supposed to do in a relationship. Asking his father was out of the question because he hated the idea of needing advice from him to begin with, but asking a man who drove his wife to an asylum for relationship tips sounded like trying to sharpen a pencil in a wood chipper: counterproductive, messy, painful and stupid.

"Are you excited for the party?" Yaoyorozu asked with a bright smile. He gave her a small smile and nodded in response for fear that his voice would betray the utter dismay he felt for actually having to go. She came around the side of his desk with her chair and pushed it as close as she could before grabbing hold of his arm and clinging to it like a baby koala. Her breasts pressed against his arm and her giggle echoed in his ears, and his uncomfortable feeling increased. It was then that he looked around at the rest of his classmates, small groups getting together and talking about the upcoming festivities. All but one.

Todoroki watched as the chubby girl sat alone at her desk, completely oblivious to anyone else, pulling out her wallet, fiddling with the cards in their slots, looking between two pieces of paper and looking up at the ceiling while mouthing to herself. He really wondered what she was doing, but couldn't find a way to ask without dislodging himself from Yaoyorozu's grasp. Just as he was about to ask a question of the ravenette at his side, his phone rang.

He leaned to the side to get his cellphone out of his pocket, the ringtone becoming louder and more insistent. Yaoyorozu refused to give up her grip and seemed to get even closer when he checked to see who was calling. Glancing quickly at the screen and seeing his father's hero name on display, he quickly declined the call and returned his phone to his pocket. He also heard a sigh from the girl at his side and her grip tighten.

Youngblood - A 5SOS Inspired BNHA FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora