8. Moon

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"Yeah?" I was cutting carrots to make tonight's dinner. He came closer, took the knife from my hand, and put it aside on the table. "What are you doing?"

"Just watch," he said, opened his magic spells book, and read something from it while pointing his hand toward the knife, "Evanesco!" 

A blue-purple magical light shined around it and it vanished in an instant. I looked at him, not surprised, with my most done face. He gave me a cheesy smile. 

"Bring it back," I said

"Uh... I...I can't. I didn't learn the reappearing magic yet," he said scratching his head. I sighed, brought another one, and started cutting vegetables again. "You didn't like it?" he asked showing me his pleading eyes. 

"No," I said deadpanned.

"Aaaaa....." he whined. 

"Ok, ok, it was cool," I said 

He was trying his little trick on other different things and getting happy.

"Shuji...look," he threw a ball in the air and cast his magic on it. And like others, it disappeared after reflecting a blue hue. 

"Where are all these things going?" I asked 

"I don't know," he shrugged his shoulders. 

"Don't you think you're doing a loss to the house?" 

"Ummm..... a little bit?"

-: After some time:-

"Come to bed," he said from the bedroom door.

"I still have some work. You go sleep," I said without looking away from my screen.

"Please... just do it tomorrow," 

"It's better if I finish it soon," 

"Don't do it, hon. It'll affect your health,"

"I don't care," 

 "What will you do if I make your laptop disappear?" He said after a short pause.

"I'll kill you,"

"That's better than you overworking yourself," he stretched his hand out.

"Jeonghan, no-" I reached to save my laptop but it was too late. 

"Evanesco!" he said and accidentally his spell hit me instead. 

As the consequence, my arm started glowing in blue color. I could only spare a glance at his shocked face before vanishing from the couch.



Oh my god! Oh no! What did I do? I went to the place he was sitting. There's not even a trace of him. I can't believe he's not here. How do I bring him back? I don't know. My mind is getting blank. I can't think of anything. Quick, quick, quick.

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