4. Birthday

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"Joshua..." he whispered my name.

I could hear him but pretend not to. He does nothing but bother me all day. I don't want him to ruin my night. 

"Joshua?" he shook my shoulder. "Wake up or I'll start tickling you,"

"What?" I opened my eyes.

He climbed upon me, smiling all widely. "It's 12 am," he said excitedly, showing me time on his phone's screen. There was a cute wallpaper of me on his phone.

"Yeah, so?" 

"Happy birthday!" he gave me a peck on my lips.

I knew it. He'll wake me up for something useless. I smiled back, "Thanks, baby,"

"I truly wish that you're blessed with all the happiness, health, joy, and prosperity in life. Happy birthday to the twinkle of my eye, and to the person who I love from the bottom of my heart. You're the man of my dreams, and I'm so lucky-" 

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay," I put his head on my chest, shutting him up from his essay on how much he loves me.

"- to have you in my life," he mumbled against my chest.

"Hm, I know, babe. I love you too. Let's sleep now." I patted slowly on his back.

Morning came so soon. He was still sleeping peacefully on my chest. I lightly stroked his hair, and chuckled softly, "My angel,"

He moved lazily and opened his eyes. "Happy Birthday," he said in his sleepy voice. 

"And good morning to you too," 

He came closer and snuggled up with me. "Very good morning, sweetheart." he kissed my cheek. "What are your plans for today?"

I moved my position and lay facing him. I took a breath and released it. "I just, Uhm, I don't know..." I caressed his bottom lip with my thumb. "...maybe, just lie here in the bed... with you all day. That'll be my best birthday gift,"

"Woah, sounds lovely," he smiled and touched our foreheads together. I leaned in for a kiss. He put his index finger on my mouth. "No. I want a big birthday party for you." 

He sat up, and said eagerly, "We will decorate the house, and...and invite all our friends. Jihoon, Hoshi, Seunghcheol, Jun, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Dokyeom..." he started counting all of them on his fingers.

I buried my face in the pillow. That's exactly the opposite of what I want. 

"...Minghao, Chanie, Seungkwan, Vernon. We will order a three-tier cake, and there'll be wines, drinks, and lots of dance."

I cupped his face in my hand. "Hold on, hold on, Jeonghanie. Baby, I...I want to spend my day only with you. I don't want any hubbub around me."

 His mouth turned into a sad pout, "Okay," 

Any other day his opinions doesn't matter to me, but today I would not like to see him sad. "Let's decorate the house, and order a two-tier cake. How about this?" I said, in hope he agrees.

"No friends?"

"No friends."

He thought for a moment, then said cheerfully clapping his hands, "Ok, good. But, I'll do the work."

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