Chapter 55: Stay

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Rekkan dragged me back toward the camouflaged entryway. Ahead, cheerful groups of Southies and Northerners — and even a few with mixed company — mingled near the lounge, fitness center, and playground. I spotted a few of my climbers. Before anyone noticed us, Rekkan tugged me left down the Northerner corridor.

When we were both inside his room with the door locked, I rubbed my arms, fighting a lingering chill. "Well, I guess the Head Chef is not Ivogg."

Rekkan paced from wall to wall. "And we can't ask him why he wrote what he wrote in your mother's journal, either. We still know basically nothing, the Head Chef seems to have more power than anyone else here, and I can't get to my rifle or get us out or here without alerting the Head Chef. Fuck, this is worse than the Implant Era."

"To be fair, you rather liked the Implant Era. I remember a line about sipping whiskey."

"That was before I had you."

He delivered the line like a simple fact, nothing more. Still, my heart swooped. I would have kissed him right then but for the stern line of his brow.

I propped my hands on his desk behind me. "Well, at least the Implant is not making anyone violent this time."

"Yet. If these ones are still under the Head Chef's control, I'm sure he can choose to make them violent whenever he wants."

"Well, at least we are down to only two suspects."

He threaded his fingers through his hair, and his eyes darted to his desk. "One of whom is my uncle."

I followed his gaze to see a familiar photo—the young couple with the little boy. The little boy smiled back at me, flashing pearly whites. Fuck, he looked so happy. All three did. Tears pricked my eyes.

Quiet footsteps approached, and strong arms wrapped around me from behind. "Hey, what happened? Why are you crying?"

"I'm not." I scrubbed away the pesky excess moisture. "I just... they were really in love, weren't they? Serigg and Mekkar."

His hum of confirmation vibrated against my back.

"What will you do if I become ugly?"

His laugh spilled warm breath onto my neck. "I will never find you ugly."

I mumbled a half-joking question. "What if I lose my hair?"

His reply rang dead serious. "Wouldn't matter."

I broke free from his arms to turn toward him. "If my face gets destroyed?"

He traced a thumb over my cheek with an amused smile. "Zaf, if I lost my leg, would you still find me attractive?"

"Uh... you did lose your leg."


"And you're fucking sexy."

"Because of the bionic leg, or in spite of it?"

I furrowed my brow. "Neither. It's just part of you. And I like every part of you."

He tilted his head. "So there's your answer."

I hid my smile in his chest, and his arms settled over my back, stroking my spine.

The "Freedom" song flooded the halls and infiltrated the room, destroying the moment. After Ivogg's chilling rendition, the tinny blare of speakers rattled my ears and curdled my gut.

"Well, that's curfew," I said. "I guess I better go back to my room."

"So Uzmed can wake you up with a knife to the throat? No. Stay here."

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