Chapter 6: In Which There Is Much Drama

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A/N: This is a really dramatic and weird chapter…I apologize. One more after this! Thank you for all the reviews! I'm sorry I haven't updated in about a month. College eats my soul, little by little every day.


State With Kings

Chapter 7: In Which There Is Much Drama

Though Sophie was grabbing him solidly by the wrist, Markl knew better than to bring it to her attention. He hadn't understood what had just happened in the dining hall, but he had understood that whatever it was, he would do well to stay out of it. To be seen and not heard sounded like a privilege to the young boy at this point. Markl, careful to stay even with Sophie's pace, glanced around the former cleaning lady's walking form at the Witch who was trailing along by Sophie's opposite side. The old woman was still looking around at the portraits and statues they passed, but made no exclamatory remarks.

Sophie had not allowed her view to stray from the path immediately before her. Markl was not sure of where they were going, and he had a right to be a little frightened. The fact that Sophie had not said a word since they had left the dining hall was scary enough for the young boy. Sophie always had something to say, especially to him.

With a sickening jolt, Markl found himself dragged down several staircases and through several large doors, each manned by servants looking flustered and more than a little confused. Guests of the King rarely displayed such emotions; they waited until they left the palace gates in order to keep in the King's good graces. Finally, in a time that seemed to span an hour, Markl and the Witch found themselves at the main entrance to the palace. Sophie promptly let go of their appendages with the same urgency that touching a hot coal would produce. Without addressing her family, Sophie marched up to the nearest butler. "Excuse me, sir," she began, her words cutting the uncertain silence around the trio. "But have you seen a Master Howl leave this way? He is about a half a foot taller than me, dark hair," she added, cupping her hands around her chin to illustrate the wizard's hair length. Her tone was surprisingly calm and polite, albeit determined. The young man shook his head slightly. "No ma'am. No one has left the palace since your excellent party has arrived."

Sophie looked away from the man and nodded. "Very well, I shall have to go and find him then," she announced to her captive audience. She then turned towards Markl and the Witch. "You should probably go home…this will taken a while," she began. "Markl, take care and make sure to keep up with Witch in the marketplace."

"Sure, Sophie. But what are you going to..?" Markl called after Sophie's retreating figure. Unfortunately, his question came too late; the young woman had already turned the corner of a very immense wall.


Sophie could not help but fume as she opened a glut of doors and looked down even more hallways. How had things gone from polite conversation to strange proposals of marriage in no time flat? She had had barely any time to think clearly, but it was obvious that Howl had not shared her problem. That was another point that bothered her. Howl had been so quick to leave, as if he was willing to believe in such a ridiculous lie. It was almost like he had given up on her.

Shaking the very thought out of her mind, Sophie ripped open the doors nearest her and was taken aback as she realized that she had entered a room whose walls were completely covered in mirrors. A shiver ran down her spine as she experienced a strange form of déjà vu, but she brushed aside this feeling too, because she found she was not the only occupant of the room.

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