chapter 3:In Which Sophie Is Swept Off Her Feet

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Howl's Moving Castle

Chapter 3: In Which Sophie Is Taken and No One Notices

Fish or...more fish? That was the question.

Sophie cocked her head to the side and tried to remember the difference between the large white fish the man was holding in his right hand and the large black fish that was in his left.

"Will you be buying with us today?" the fishmonger asked through his teeth. It was a marvel that his patience had held out this long. One more request for a clarification as to fish types from Sophie would cause him to close shop for the day.

Sophie smiled politely. "No, no thank you," she answered briskly and went on her way down the market strip, ignoring the agitated looks she was receiving from Kingsford's top fish seller. She had not meant to annoy the man, but the species of fish around there were very different from those near her native home, and she rarely shopped in Kingsford anyways.

With a straw basket hanging in the crook of her arm, Sophie reached with a free hand into her dress pocket and retrieved her weekly grocery list. Frowning, she noticed that she hadn't gotten very far despite nearly two hours of shopping. However, she had come into the unfamiliar market of her own accord, so she was determined to finish what she had started.

Hastily making her way past some of the more aggressive shop keepers, Sophie thought of what lay ahead of her that night. Whenever she thought about the Prince and the impending dinner at the palace, Sophie felt like a large weight had been viciously dropped on her stomach. She could not help it if she felt somewhat friendly towards the old Turniphead, but the Prince's new fully human form made her uncomfortable. She knew that Howl did not approve of the newcomer, despite his straight-faced formalities.

Finding herself in the center of the market, Sophie held her basket close and tried not to bump into the many people that were passing her left and right. The tents and displays in that area were much closer to the street than shops further down, and Sophie could barely get through the crowd without being shoved in the wrong direction.

Suddenly, an arm wrapped itself around her waist and a hand relieved her of her basket. Sophie looked up and was glad to see it was Howl and not a stranger looking to unload her rightful, albeit meager, hoard of groceries.

"Why Sophie, fancy meeting you here," Howl said with an innocent, mocked tone in his voice.

"I can carry the basket on my own, Howl," Sophie answered, trying to act put-off by his abrupt entrance.

Howl smiled playfully. "I don't doubt it. But I feel a certain obligation to be part of the endeavor since some of the groceries will be going towards my benefit," he said. "Besides, I find it is easier to shop if there are no lines."

And without another word between them, he lifted them both into the air. As soon as her stomach adjusted to the change in altitude, Sophie couldn't keep from smiling. Watching as the sights and sounds of the marketplace became further and further away, she could forget what was troubling her about later that night.

Sophie looked over at Howl and frowned as she saw the same expression that she remembered from the first time she had met him. It was the look that always came to his face whenever he took off into the air. It was confidence and fear and joy all mixed together, and the result made Sophie's clutch on Howl's hand shaky. Howl blinked and his face relaxed. Sophie continued to frown. She didn't like the way that his eyes glinted when he was flying.

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