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"Kai Denmark? As in the kid I got into a fight with when we were thirteen because I thought he was trying to break up our friendship?" Rowan asked

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"Kai Denmark? As in the kid I got into a fight with when we were thirteen because I thought he was trying to break up our friendship?" Rowan asked. I totally forgot to tell Rowan about Kai and I's interaction so finally I did. Now she's been freaking out for the past hour!

"Kai Denmark as in the kid who's family you were forbidden to ever see again? That Kai Denmark?" I couldn't tell if she was happy or pissed for me.

"Yes Rowan it's him! I can't even believe you remember half of that shit. It was like twelve years ago." I laughed. "You know what I can't believe? You waited a whole two hours before your "date" to tell me that you even had a date and I told you about my date the same night I asked her!" Rowan yelled at me.

"Okay, okay. First of all, it's not a date and I forgot! I've been too focused on passing this examine that determines if I'm fit to be an FBI agent yet. Besides, aren't you like a huge fan of his YouTube or something?" I asked.

"His name on there is not Kai Denmark and I am no longer a fan anymore." Rowan replied, with the look of disgust on her face.

"By the way, I hope you failed the examine because you aren't ready." My jaw dropped after hearing Rowan say that. "I am ready! Why wouldn't I be ready?" I asked confusedly. "You are still one of the rudest bitches I know Inari. You need to work on your communication skills or you'll end up with your shit rocked on the job and let me tell you! It will be very embarrassing!" She replied to me.

"Obviously I'm going to code switch on the job."

"Pfft. Your code switching skills are terrible."

"You know what? I'm done with your criticism, okay? Let's make a deal."

"What's the deal?"

"If I'm nice enough tonight and it scores me a real date with Kai, you have to convince Parker to put in a good word for me at the FBI Agency." I stated. "And if you DON'T get a real date, you have to let me see you in one of your stripper uniforms." Rowan said, making me laugh.

Rowan has never seen me in one of my stripper uniforms ever. Only because she's my best friend since birth and I don't feel comfortable with her seeing me half naked. I would like her to keep viewing me as her 'weirdo' best friend, not the best friend who is always half naked every night.

"Fine." I said, shaking her hand to agree with the deal. "Great! Now let's get ready and show off our outfits." I added, jumping off the sofa before running over to the bathroom.

We both finished getting ready after saying no to numerous outfits. "Ready? 3,2,1!" I counted down before we both stepped out to reveal our outfits. "I see boobies!" I teased and Rowan flipped me off. "I see skin." Rowan snapped back at me.

"Shut up bitch."

"Make me whore."

I then took a step closer to Rowan, making her do the same. "What? You gone do something?" I joked. "Oh I'm not going do anything, but you touch me and I'll arrest your ass for assaulting a police officer." I couldn't help to laugh at her for pulling the police officer card.

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