Planning ahead [1/?]

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   Кто тебе это сказал?-Who told you that?

Почему я должен хотеть, чтобы ты ушел? Я люблю тебя, сестренка.-Why would I want you to leave? I love you, little sister.


      Russia glanced out at the American as he ran to his brother, crossing his arms. "Big brother!" He jumped slightly, looking over at Belarus. "Yes?" She hugged him from the side, burying her head in his side. She didnt respond verbally, she just held onto him like her life depended on it.
     "What is it? Why are you shaking little one?" She looked up at him, her usually annoyed face turned into a somber one.

   "Do you think I should leave too?"

     He froze, holding onto her shoulders. He looked down at her in an almost threatening gaze.
    She grimaced, looking down. "Nevermind big brother. Forget I said anythin-" "Кто тебе это сказал?" Natlya looked to her left, placing her hand on her brothers.

    "I overheard some countries talking about me this morning." She sighed, her face returning to her usual monotone expression. "I..Its nothing for you to worry about brother-"
     Ivan hugged his sister, his gaze turning into a glare. "Nothing to worry about? Nothing to worry about?!" His cold aura appeared, his usual smile turning into a snarl.

    "No I dont want you to leave! Почему я должен хотеть, чтобы ты ушел?Я люблю тебя, сестренка." Belarus hugged him again, smiling slightly. That's right, him and older sister would never leave her! She would make sure they never left her.
     Ivan thought to himself, furrowing his brows. He was sure one of the countries in Europe was the one to put that silly idea in her head. Nobody else was brave enough to talk such filthy things about his sister. Well, everyone but the silly american, but even that airheaded blonde chose not to out of respect.
     Talking about America...What was he planning? The russian hummed curiously, what was he up to? It was none of his buisness, but he was curious. 'I'll just have to sit back and see what happens.'
       Before his mind wandered too far, his thoughts found their way back to his sisters. What was he going to do? This environment was fine for him,but for his sisters? They made Ukraine nothing but insecure, and talked horribly about Belarus.
      Ivan sighed, deciding to come back to that later. He really needed a drink right now. 'This is what I get for not including myself like I normally do.'
  She looked outside, noticing the cars pulling out of the parking lot. Natlya left the hug, choosing to hug herself while she was thinking. "What's the plan?" Ivan's cold aura ceased, and his normal grin returned. He raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk quickly replacing his grin.

      "Plan? What plan?" Natlya raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. "You have your planning face on brother. Tell me, what are you planning?"
    He giggled, patting her on the head. "You always know what I'm doing dont you?" He let out a soft sigh, "I'm thinking about how they are stepping over boundaries they shouldnt."

   It was true, while they were afraid like they normally were they talked more when he wasnt around. It was okay if they were afraid of him, but they crossed the line when they started talking about his sister. She may be absolutely terrifying sometimes, but she did not deserve this unjust treatment!
      "Boundries?" Ivan nodded, "Yes, boundries." He smiled mischievously, looking down at Belarus. "I cannot just stand by when my sister is about ready to cry, yes?"

     Belarus hugged his arm, giving out a soft hum. "I suppose." She yawned, leaning on him. "What about the stupid American? What is the plan with him?" Russia laughed, patting her head with his free hand. "Stupid? The capitalist may act like a child, but he is not stupid.  He," The russian looked out the window again with a curious look, his smirk becoming wider.

   "Is planning something. And I want to find out what." Belarus nodded, checking her phone. "Big sister is on her way, she stopped by the break room to grab some coffee." He nodded with acknowledgement, recieving the same text.
      A couple minutes later Ukraine came walking down the hallway. She had a cup-holder with three disposable coffee cups, along with a paper bag. "Privet you two, care for some coffee?" The two nodded, thanking her as they were each handed a coffee. "Thank you big sister. Are you ready to go?" She nodded, taking a sip of her own beverage.

    She didnt care for coffee very often, so she settled for some hot apple cider. "Why were you late big sister?" Belarus nodded, understanding why her brother was asking. "Da, Normally it doesnt take this long to stop by the breakroom." Ukraine just smiled, opening the door leading to the parking lot. She held it open, being careful not to drop anything.

"No reason, I just had to have a short conversation with someone that's all."

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