A Discussion worth fighting for 1/?

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[I'm speeding up this part for plot reasons, so I can get some more done. After this one I'll try to slow down with the time skips I swear!]

   The american hummed as he walked into the meeting-room. He was calm, too calm if you were the normal bystander. He had a soft smile on his face, tightening his tie. He sat down at his normal seat without saying hi to his brothers.

   Some might think it was rude to ignore his brothers, but to the blonde it was bliss. He was in a good mood for once, he wouldnt let them ruin it. It was raining outside, and he had finished his paperwork on time. Without his brothers nagging at him about who-knows-what, it was peaceful.

   There was no yelling, screaming, or arguing. Nobody to criticize his diet, or to tell him that he was dressed too informal. Alfred was enjoying the silence.

  While Alfred was setting up his paperwork he didnt notice Japan watching him from the sidelines. He was confused, did Alfred and Mathew switch places? Normally the american was quite loud and expressive, but now he was calm and quiet. The japanese man brushed it off, walking to his own seat. He wouldnt ask about it, it wasnt his buisness. It wouldnt be very nice if he butted in, would it?


     Ludwig walked into the meeting room, papers in hand. He noticed Alfred sitting at his assigned seat, giving a small hum of acknowledgement.  He walked over to him, sitting down next to the blonde. "Guten tag, Alfred." Alfred smiled a bit wider, looking over towards the german. "Guten tag, Ludwig. Did you get my papers?"

      Germany nodded, giving a slight yawn. "Ja, it was very informative. Have you ever thought about writing a book on it?" Alfred hummed, putting his hand on his chin. "Nope, but now that you mention it it's a good idea." The american poked Germany in the cheek, pouting.

     "I told you to get some sleep last night, didnt I? But noOoO, organizing your desk was more important then my words huh?" Alfred was only teasing, of course, but Ludwig took it seriously. "What are you talking about? Of course your words are important, I just lost my pen-"

    Alfred laughed, pulling him into a headlock. "I'm joking, I'm joking! But next time acctually go to bed m'kay?" He released the blonde, noticing the pen in the germans pocket. "Hmm...Was this-" The american quickly snatched the pen, standing up. "-the pen you were looking for?" Ludwig reached for the pen, but Alfred avoided the blondes grabby hands.

    "Mein gott- Give it back!!""Pfft, only if you sleep properly dude-" "Says the insomniac-"

   "Hey that's uncalled for-" The pen was then snatched out of the blondes hand, making both Ludwig and Alfred look to see who took it. Gilbert sighed, crossing his arms. "Mein gott- are you two children??" "Teenagers technically."

  The two germans gave the american a deadpan look. He shrugged, whistling. "What? I'm not wrong?" "Ja, that is technically the truth-" Gilbert gave his little brother his pen back, and sat down on the other side of Alfred. Alfred was at the end of the table, with Gilbert on his left and Ludwig on his right. The all got their paperwork out in front of them, quieting the room once again.

    The three of them were quiet, backs straight while they got their work in order. They talked quietly, with a serious aura around them. Alfred could feel the confused stares from his brothers, and he loved it. He would have to put up his act again soon, since the meeting has his brothers in it, but at least he could have these few minutes of peace.

    The italian twins walked into the room, discussing how their week was. "Fratello~~ Wasn't that art museum so nice? It even had paintings from when we were colonies!" "Si, si. Why the hell didnt we go to that museum sooner?" North walked over to where Germany was sitting, while South went to go stand behind Alfred.

    "Howdy my favorite spaghetti dudes! How are y'all doin'?" Lovino slapped him lightly on the shoulder, scoffing. "That's just a stereotype dumbass." The american looked him directly in the eye, smiling. "I know, but your spaghetti is really good." "Ja, he has a point."

    Germany patted his italian on the head, thinking a bit. "Talking about spaghetti, what do you all want to do for lunch?" "We could borrow the staff kitchen here- what do you think fratello~?" "Si, Those dumbasses hog all the good ingredients."
       Alfred smiled a bit more, he honestly loved the Italians cooking. He loved all types of foreign foods, from indian food to russian food. He wanted to cook more types of food, but his brothers were staying over at his place for a few months. Every time he tried to cook, he got interrupted by france or yelled at by england.

     'Jeez louise, it's my house. Cant I cook MY food in MY house??" Alfred scanned the room, seeing a coffee machine in the corner. He death stared the coffee, debating on if he would get up to get it or not. "Hey alfredo, you alright there my awesome friend?" The american stood up, still looking at the coffee machine. "Caffeine.", the american stated as he started to walk. He could hear Lovino cackling in the backround, along with Ludwigs sigh of disappointment.

  "Finally, about time I got some caffeine in my system."

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