}18{ - Game Changer

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Marvel died before he could pull out the spear.

Livia's disc sliced across his neck. He grasped at it- blood pouring through his fingers as he fell to his knees and drowned in his own blood.

Livia shouted at Rue, "Are there more? Are there more?"

She had to say no several times before Livia heard it.

Rue had rolled to her side, her body curved in and around the spear.

Livia shoved the boy away from her and pulled out her knife, freeing Rue from the net.

One look at the wound and Livia knew it was far beyond her capacity to heal, beyond anyone's probably.

The spearhead was buried up to the shaft in her stomach.

Livia crouched before her, staring helplessly at the embedded weapon.

There was no point in comforting words, in telling her she would be all right.

She was no fool.

Her hand reached out and Livia clutched it like a lifeline.

As if it was Livia who was dying instead of Rue.

"You blew up the food?" she whispered.

"Every last bit." Livia said.

"You have to win." Rue said.

"I'm going to. Going to win for both of us now." Livia promised.

Livia heard a cannon and looked  up.

It must be for Marvel.

"Don't go." Rue tightened her grip on Livia's hand.

"Course not. Staying right here." Livia assured.

Livia moved in closer to her, pulling Rue's head onto her lap.

She gently brush the dark, thick hair back behind her ear.

"Sing." she said, but Livia barely caught the word.


Sing what?

Livia did know a few songs.

Livia's throat was tight with tears, hoarse from smoke and fatigue.

But if this was, Rue's last request, Livia had to at least try.

The song that came to her was a simple lullaby, one they sung  fretful, hungry babies to sleep with.

It was old, very old.

Made up long ago in their hills.

What the music teacher called a mountain air.

But the words were easy and soothing, promising tomorrow would be more hopeful than this awful piece of time they called today.

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