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Song: Andromeda - Weyes Blood




Werewolves, no matter how advanced they were, had their weaknesses.

Silver elicited a strong physical reaction from Wolves, burning the outer layers of skin at a tremendous rate whilst Wolfsbane killed from the inside, burning the inner layers of the stomach, though, if used correctly and in an incremental amount, could serve in leaving a Wolf fully paralyzed if only for an hour or two.

The third and less well known killer of Wolves was starvation.

Weres could only stand starvation for five days before their body would start to slowly shut down.

Aysal was on her fourth day.

Only one man aside from the Alpha had been permitted to come inside the room to serve her, offering delicacies she could previously only imagine. She turned all offers down. All that she consumed was the drinks they provided and the silence she was continuously cloaked in.

She had been tracking the time by the way that the sun rose and fell everyday but she had no intention of stopping her silent rebellion anytime soon.

It had surprised her when the Alpha had come into the room on the first night, barely offering her a glance and headed straight into the ensuite bathroom, spending over an hour behind the closed door.

He let out a large sigh as he exited the room and made his way to the bed to lay down on the unoccupied side, not sparing her a look of recognition.

Though she did not admit it, this irked Aysal.

The way that he lay beside her in such a casual manner, reaching for a novel and a pair of glasses completely ignoring her as if he had not shackled his own mate to a bed.

His strong scent overwhelmed her senses and clouded her mind but she allowed herself to study him as he lay there, his muscles and mind relaxed.

She took in the slopes of his shoulders and the ridges of his stomach and the way that his glasses stood perched at the end of his artfully sloped nose.

The Alpha felt her gaze on him, but did not move his eyes from the pages of the book, letting his mate explore him at her own pace.

Though he did not admit it, he was revelling in the interest of his mate.

He didn't mind her rebellion against him, he'd be more surprised if she didn't fight and he'd always liked a challenge.

She'd know her place soon, he thought quietly to himself, she would soon submit.

But as the fourth day of her rebellion drew to a close, her rebellion was no longer entertaining. Anger slowly built in his bones as she had not peeped a word, not even when she was by herself as he had installed microphones to ensure it.

Even more worryingly, she hadn't eaten, and he couldn't lose the female when he just found her. 

It would make him look weak if she passed under his command.

He didn't hesitate to push the door handle downwards and step into the room, the sweet smell of his mate bombarding his senses. He spent a moment just basking in the scent before heading to the ensuite and starting his nightly routine.

Even though Aysal had gotten used to his routine, it didn't stop her body from going rigid when he entered the room.

Slowly her heartbeat would return to normal as he spent his time in the ensuite and she wouldn't be so startled when he came out again. She refused to look in his direction when he came out, knowing that he was scantily clad and still had to put on joggers.

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