Part 10

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Nicholas agreed to play in Carlos's match and the days before, he was so much anxious that his son and Patricia noticed it. His therapist 'Pale Ale',was very excited to play his first match.
They know I'll be going with you?
Nicholas noded still thinking in what he would face, and something in his core frightened him.
The therapist, rejoiced himself sitting in his armchair.
I don't know how should I feel. I've never played football before in my life
Nicholas came back into his senses, and looked at his therapist.
Just have fun.

Following Peter's steps Nicholas did the same:
He arrived at the pitch with a playfull spirit and a noble heart.
But things were different. The meeting was brought up with a cold tone, where Nicholas and his friends were threated as invited players, just to complete the teams.
Despite Nicolas and everyone introduced themselves, no one called them by their names nor even passed them the ball. 
Nicolas touched the ball a few times as a defender. The therapist, placed as a defender too stayed steady in the same area, without participating much. 

Later when Nicholas arrived home, still wearing his football clothes, he took a second before coming inside. 
Surprised, Nicholas saw his son and wife watching the football on the tele, 
and the national team was playing the Copa America. 
Nicholas sat with his family, took a slice of pizza, and smiled. 

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