Chapter Seventeen

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Ember blushed to the roots of her hair. Omg! He had heard it all! How much more embarrassing could it get?

"What are you doing here?" She asked, trying to cover her embarrassment. 

"Why? Can't I come looking for my girlfriend?" He smirked and Ember looked here and there and everywhere but at him. It seemed to amuse him even more and he touched her chin and forced her to look at him. He gazed into her eyes trying to say something which his lips couldn't utter. Ember stared back at him, trying to decipher what was going on in his mind.

"So are we official then?" He asked teasingly instead and the look that was there a few seconds ago was gone. 

"Get lost, Rex. You know that I meant it only to dissuade Dr Craig," she told him with a warning look, walking away from the doctor's office towards her own department. 

"You wish Ember. I will make you mine, soon, " he said quietly, his eyes flashing, as if he meant every word he said.

"It won't happen, ever," she swore. 

Rex grinned. "That passionate kiss was proof enough that we're meant for each other, " he whispered into her ear before walking off towards Sawyer's room. "Catch you later after your duty." With that he disappeared but Ember just shook her head. She knew that when he knew everything about her, he wouldn't want her anymore. Yet she felt happy with what Rex said to her. It made her smile, it made her heart want to burst out into a song, it made her want to hope for a life with Rex. She sailed through her duties for the rest of the day with the hope of seeing him again. 

After her duty when she sent to Sawyer's room, she was disappointed to see Rihanna and Ryder instead of Rex. 

"Hey Ember! Wait, why did your face suddenly fall seeing us?" Asked Ryder, grinning at her.

"Why should it? You're imagining things," said Ember.

"Sure I am. Well I'm case you're dying to know why your Rex isn't here, let me inform you that he's left this for you," she said, handing her a chit of paper. Ember took it from her and opened it trying hard to suppress her excitement. 
She read it with her heart beating wildly in her chest,

Wait for me at 6:15 tonight beside aunt Charlotte's boutique.


Rihanna wiggled her eyebrows. "Date, huh?" She asked curiously. Ember shook her head vigorously. 

"No, maybe he has some work for me at the boutique, " she finished lamely and the two chuckled. 

"Sure, that should be it," said Ryder, taunting her.

Ember ran towards the door. She had to get ready for her first date or whatever it was with Rex. "Gotta go, see you later, " she said hurrying out of the room. She rushed home to shower and change for her date. Wanting to look good, she put on a peach-colored, boat-necked, off-shoulder dress with a fitted bodice and ending in beautiful folds near the hemline. She swept up her hair in a messy bun, loosening some tendrils to frame her face. Applying a lip balm, a dash of her favorite perfume and a little moisturizer, she was ready. 

When she went to the living room, granny gasped. "You're looking so beautiful, Emmy. Where are you off to in such a hurry?" She asked her. 

"Rex asked me to meet him granny. I'll just see what he wants," said Ember blushing profusely. 

"Sure, dear. Call me if you change your plans, " said granny cheerily. Ember rolled her eyes and ran out of the door. Rex had just called to her to talk to her maybe about that girlfriend, boyfriend topic maybe. Why were everyone making a big issue out of this? She walked down to aunt Charlotte's boutique, her heart beating more rapidly as she neared it.

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