Chapter Nine

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Four Years Later

Ember walked slowly to the hospital where she'd resumed her duties two years back. After that traumatic experience, it took her two years to heal. She had started interacting with strangers unlike before but hardly went anywhere apart from the hospital. She didn't like being questioned about herself and she hated the sympathetic glances directed at her. 

She started her duty and it was lunchtime soon. Ember walked into the nursing station which was a fun place for her before. She remembered the gossips, the giggles and the enjoyable times that she shared with her friend Adelaide here. She found out from Carol, another nurse who left work last month that Adelaide had gone back to New York. Ember picked up an apple and sat at the window of the nursing station. She missed her previous happy life wishing that she could get back those days. The last few years she had lost complete interest in men knowing that no man will accept her after knowing everything about her. She was lost in her thoughts when she heard a voice call out to her.

"Ember?" The voice called. Ember turned to see Adelaide standing there. She was shocked beyond words. Was she dreaming or had Adelaide really come back? She pinched herself and winced in pain. So it wasn't a dream after all. 

"Is that really you, Adel?" Ember asked with a little smile playing on her lips. 

"Yes. Aren't you happy to see me?" Asked Adelaide, seeing the lack of excitement in her. The old Ember would have squealed and done happy dances several times by now. 

"Of course, I am. So how are you?" She said, coming towards Adelaide and hugging her. 

"I'm fine now. What about you?" Asked Adelaide. 

"I'm alive," said Ember, finishing the apple and throwing away the core into the trash bin. Adelaide stared at her response.

"What happened to you Ember? You've changed," said Adelaide, feeling concerned about her friend. 

"Nothing much. I'll tell you some other time. I've to go," she said, walking away. Adelaide noticed that the spark was missing from her eyes.  She looked pale with bags under her eyes. Adelaide didn't know exactly what happened to Ember but she realized that maybe she had a very bad experience in the last five years. 

The duty went on and soon it was time to go home. Only Adelaide waspresent at the nursing station when Ember walked inside and she turned towards her. 

"Tell me now, Ember. I'm worried about you ," she asked.

"You remember that I'd been to Chicago before you left?" Asked Ember as they sat side by side on the window sill. 

"Yes, and you extended your leave," said Adelaide. She remembered it distinctly as if it was just yesterday. 

"Yes," sighed Ember as a lone tear fell from her eyes. Ember told everything that happened to her to Adelaide. She was too stunned by her heart breaking story. She has no idea that her friend had such a terrible experience. 

"I'm so sorry, Ember. I had no idea," she said, wiping Ember's eyes and hugging her. Ember composed herself and then looked at her friend.

"Are you returning  back to New York again?" She asked her hesitantly. 

"No, I'm back for good. My mom died and now I have no one to return to," answered Adelaide. 

"I'm sorry Adelaide," said Ember. Adelaide told her how she had to return to New York with her brother when her mom was extremely unwell and admitted to the hospital. She told her how she was mistreated by her brother. Ember felt bad for what she went through. 

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