- yandere sama x reader -

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Requested by Yuma_Rebirth_Hikari
I'm gonna have it where Yasu's ugly @ss left the reader since he's I got 😒

cw: cursing

You escaped the maze with the dolls with Yasu, he pulled you along, but your flashlights started to flicker and lose battery. "Well, our flashlight went out, guess we have to use this lantern." He said.

You loosened his grip on your hand, waving your hand up and down, but before you could even grab the lantern, he ran off without you, what a asshole!

You groaned and picked the lantern up, you turned a right, eventually finding a door, what would it be doing here? You opened it, there was a table and two chairs?

You got out, it was boring, nothing was there, you moved on and took a left, finding another one, you groaned, what is with these? You were already stressed since Yasu left you for dead.

You walked out and looked for a place that was at least interesting, that was until you heard a scream. "H-hey Yasu? Are you alright?"

The screams got louder until it stopped, you heard someone stomp on him, in fear, you ran off, it seemed the person heard you, you heard their heels behind you, jeez, why heels in a god damn maze?

They started to hum, it was a nice tune but it didn't stop you from running, you turned your head around, it was a woman coated in black and a hat.

You found a door, you barged and and turned around, she stopped in front of the door before walking away. You tried to stay calm, after you knew she was gone you ran off to where you heard the screams.

In horror, you found Yasu, dead on the floor, you dropped your lantern and covered your mouth. You trembled in fear. You heard the unknown female walk to you, you immediately turned.

"How could you do such a thing!?" You asked her. "He would've gotten in the way of us, plus. Didn't you hate him?" What she said shook you, you did hate him but he was your friend...

But you took your lantern and ran which angered her, but she shouldn't be angry at you, she'd rather die then be angry at you. So she followed you.

You panicked as you heard her humming and heels clicking behind you, ok, you would admit her humming was pretty but what she did to your friend was unforgivable, if you found his parents, how would you word it out?

No matter, you HAD to run. You heard her get closer, slowly starting to panic, you tripped and fell, feeling your arm bleed, blood trickling down your shoulder.

"Oh, so now you've fallen for me?" She said, teasing you, you felt her try to touch you but you crawled away, you reluctantly threw your lantern at her.

She screamed as you took the time to run away, you the found a garden, green but beautiful, you searched around, seeing a white glow, curious, you walked over to it.

It was a white glowing spirit in the form of a butterfly, you smiled and took it, but you knew it wasn't safe because you heard her yelling out your name..? How did she know your name?

"/NAME/, THIS ISN'T HIDE AND SEEK DARLING..?" She yelled out, you ran off, but she knew you were so she chased after you. You panted, always watching behind you if she was there, you found a door, grabbing the butterfly delayed you, causing you to get caught.

She gripped onto your shirt, you dropped the spirit. You watched as her arms held you, she was sick. But you thought she'd kill you, not love you!? You squirmed out her grip, but she held you tight.

"No we can stay here forever, /name./ right?"


Srry that it was a bit bad, I rushed it lol

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