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My fear? Rejection.

I imagine it as if society was childrens toy room. In the room, there is all of these toys; toy cars, stuffed bears, most of them are new. The new ones are the favorites. I mean, what kid wants to play with an old toy? No one. I am not a new toy. A kid might pick me up for a while, but I will soon be rejected. The kid will move on to another, better, toy.

I know this sounds silly but it's the way I can understand. This isn't to make anyone feel bad. There is truly not a reason to.

The truth is, in this world, everyone on the planet, babies, teens, adults, and the elderly, has rejected someone or something.

My example of the toy is a perfect example of this. Starting as a child, we have learned to reject things. We all have put down one toy to go play with another because we have got bored of it.

The course of this runs through the rest of your life, just not with toys. As you age, you are going to be rejected by people, schools, and organizations. However, you will be rejecting things at the same time.

For instance, you may reject this chapter. You may think: "I don't like this" or "This isn't my style." That's perfectly ok. Everyone has there preferences.

I guess I'm saying that my fear is irrational. It may not seem irrational at the time, but when you think about it, the fear of rejection is just a way to keep you from living your life. You don't want to see the outcome of something due to the fact that it might end badly. There will be times where the answer is no, but think of the opportunities that it could lead you to! You may not get your first job. But, there could be better things coming. It could lead to so many other things, possibly better than you can imagine.

I guess the moral is that you can't let your fears rule your life. Sometimes you've got to take a chance, no matter what the outcome.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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