Letters Harry Never Sent to Annaliese (August 1918)

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Arras, France

August 1918

Dear Annaliese,

Hanes is dead.

Those three words have been running through my mind all day. Only now am I acknowledging them.

You don't know him. I never wrote about him. Now I wish I had. He's nothing anymore. His name isn't even on any of my papers. I could have just made him up.

Annaliese, I fear I've become heartless. I don't feel anguish at his death. It was a simple, painless death. I won't go into detail. Nedjem is crying. He has been for hours. He's so young. I am not crying, though. I feel disgust at myself for being unable to produce even false tears. I simply have no reason to cry.

My stomach feels odd, however. I wish to vomit, but there's nothing to expel. I don't feel anything except for the nausea. I want to explode with rage, yet I simply don't have the energy to. Watching Nedjem sob into his hands drains me even more. I cannot bring myself to comfort him. I wonder if he'll heal.

And me? Yes, I can hear your voice in my head asking if I will heal too.

I am on the outside, Annaliese. Hear out my insanity for a moment. My fingers hold this pen and ink drips onto my skin and I produce words, but I watch it all happen from a distance. Is it my survival skills that I've become dependent on? I've become accustomed to scoping the entire field, but what about my own consciousness? I feel the warmth of the candle when I dip a finger in. I peel the hardened wax off my nails. I slam my fist into this desk until I have splinters and my arm aches, yet it is someone else who bears the pain. When my throat aches from yelling all day, I hope to soothe it, yet when Lieutenant Cam asks us if we're alright, simply out of respect, my body suddenly isn't mine.

What shall I do with this body? Will you be able to fit me back into it? I have been unsuccessful in doing so.

Don't give me that look, Annaliese. I cannot bear your disappointment in me.

Hanes gave me a book a few weeks ago, one he picked up from a raided village just three miles from here. Time doesn't exist in this world. I don't understand it. The book, I mean, because it's in Italian. Hanes is part Italian... was part Italian so he knew the contents of the book. I don't know why he gave it to me. I don't care that I don't understand it. I will guard it with my life.

I have another book too, one I picked up from the same village. It is in French. Perhaps one day, I'll have the heart to ask you to read it to me.

Your husband,


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