A Date With The Health Inspector

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Stephanie's POV
I wake up slightly once again seeing that Huey's gone

Welp what can I expect from a morning person, I said to myself

I get up and put on a plain (f/c) shirt, my hair in a ponystail and some shorts

Walking down stairs  and see huey reading a newspaper so I sat behind him and pay attention to what was on the TV

Suddenly the channel changes so I out my legs on Huey's lap and started playing on my phone

"Detailed information on a non-specific threat. Could it be a hijacking? Absolutely possible. Chemical or biological agent? You bet it could happen. Suicide bomber? Hey you never know. But what we do know.... "

As the man on the TV ramble someone rang the doorbell

I'll get it, huey said silently


He gets up and moves my legs to get the door

Terrorists have my daddy! Some girl with light skin and curly hair said

Jazmine, calm down huey stated

Terrorists kidnapped my father, and they're gonna cut off his head in Algeria! She grabbed Huey's arm and pointed at her house. My daddy was supposed to be home from work before school let out. And he isn't here! And we're at terror alert level orange, ORANGE!

what's going on? I said walking up beside huey

Jasmine's dad apparently went missing he said looking at me

I see, so you're jazmine. I asked

Yes are u new around here I've never seen you before she said looking slightly happy to see me

Actually I been here for quite awhile, you must be Huey's friend. I stated giving her a smile

Yes, but we can be friends too my names jazmine she stated giving me a small hug

I'm Steph but you can call me whatever you want I said hugging her back

May I come in she said going back to a sad face because of her missing father

I step aside pulling huey with me letting her in and I close the door

Huey's POV

As Steph pulled me to the side I've noticed her smile, it was different it made me feel different

My thoughts were cut off when suddenly jazmine pulled me into a tight hug and started crying

Jazmine, just because your dad is late coming home from work doesn't mean that-

As I was speaking the phone ring so Riley picked it up and Steph went to lay on the couch


What's the emergency?

Riley started laughing then said "don't drop the soap"

Who was that? I asked

I stared at Riley to see if it was somebody important, but then the phone rings again so Riley picked up the phone


I thought you only get one phone call in jail

I took the phone from Riley to see who it was

Who's this?

Huey, I got arrested! They say I fit the description. I think it's cause I'm black, huey. You have to get me outta here huey, You don't wanna know what they'll do to me in jail

WUNCLERS ADOPTED DAUGHTER huey X OC (reader if u want) Where stories live. Discover now