Dead deer and family meetings

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3rd POV

The three teens were slowly walking home. It was the same day as Ranboo's panic attack and they where all quite. They had stayed a little after school, at the nurse, because Ranboo's legs ended up giving away exiting the bathroom and he got a bloody nose. He also threw up in the nurse's bathroom and the nauseating feeling was still stuck with him. Tommy nor Tubbo had told their parents where they were, and weren't thinking about it. 

The nurse tried to persuade them to allow her to call a guardian or family member, but they persisted they were fine. Ranboo was feeling better, even though his throat burned, and a migraine was starting to form. But, none the less, he was able to walk and talk fine, ish. Both the shorter boys were worried. Tubbo expressing it through kindness, Tommy through insults.

Ranboo had a plain blue medical mask on and his bloodied one in a zip lock baggie. He didn't really need it, but the nurse had bagged it and gave it to him and he was to dizzy to reject and explain. So now he was being nagged by two people he could easily punt and felt like throwing up again. He probably would have from anxiety if they had seen his face, but he managed to get all the stuff, including a mask, through cracking the bathroom door. 

"You should have told us they were staring at you..." Tubbo said softly. Ranboo replied with a small 'I didn't realize', and they continued to walk. Their neighborhood wasn't to far away, an easy 24 minute walk, and it was next to a relatively 'not busy enough for traffic but not secluded enough to get kidnapped without anyone knowing' kind of road. About halfway through the walk and the three had fallen to a worried yet soft silence. 

"GROSS!!" Tommy exclaimed, breaking the silence and looking across the street. This brought the other two attention to what Tommy was talking about. Through the breaks of cars they could see what he was talking about. And it was disgusting. 

(vivid imagery of gore/blood)

On the other side of the road was a dead deer. It's neck was broken and bent in unnatural angels. Blood had pooled and dried around the deer on the asphalt, most had washed away. It was badly cut up, probably from sliding across the rough ground when hit. They could see its face. The eyes were empty and the mouth slightly open.

It was a doe, or a male with no horns. The skin on the stomach had been stripped away to reveal the bones and guts. Three large vultures dipped their greedy heads in and tore at already torn skin. Pulling out anything they could and fighting for it. One reached down and pecked out an eye, before another quickly went to reach and go for the brain. 

There was no blood coming out, for the heart had already stopped beating. More vultures began to swarm. They picked at their feast, some forced to fly off as to not get sat on. A quick car passed by and scarred them away for a second. Letting the teens see a half developed baby deer inside the doe's stomach that was also being picked away at. And soon the scavengers reunited on the dead animal.

(vivid imagery of gore/blood end)

"Let's go" Tubbo mumbled out, breaking from the disgusted trance. There was a quick nod from Tommy and the two began to speed walk ahead, Ranboo lingered a moment longer, though. Staring at the sad sight, before he decided to go before he actually threw up again. "Yea..." he muttered, just bellow his breath as he caught up with the other two.

-+_small time skip_+-

Tommy opened the front door to the family house, and Tubbo entered with Ranboo. "We're home" Tommy yelled into the empty looking house. But it was everything but empty a second later. A tall brunette, like Ranboo, came whizzing out of the kitchen that could be slightly seen from the living room. The brunette ran over and finally stopped in front of Tommy, his slightly curly brown hair disheveled, his skin a little pale, and his yellow sweater was uneven. 

"Tommy!!" Wilbur exclaimed, hugging his technically little brother. He pulled away and held him by his shoulders, "Where the hell were you three?! I was seriously worried! You were supposed to get home 40 minutes ago!!". Soon, a pinkett quickly followed Wilbur out of the kitchen, he was the slightest bit taller than Wilbur, but because he slouched he looked shorter. His hair was definitely longer no matter what happened. 

Techno made it over to Ranboo and started to inspect him bottom to top. He shot off questions just like Wilbur in his monotone yet worried voice. He even shot a few questions to Tubbo. None of the teens spoke and just let the older ones take care of them for a moment. "You look pale. You have a different mask, did you break yours? You smell like blood, what happened? Did you get into a fight? Did you get detention?" Techno just kept asking question after question.

"We're fine, calm DOWN." Tommy exclaimed, trying to get the older two to stop firing questions at them. "I will when you tell ME what the hell happened." Wilbur said sternly, staring at tommy. "I- um- I had a panic attack and had to go to the nurse and then I threw up..." Ranboo said, the adults looked at him.

Wilbur blinked in surprise before sighing. "Alright, well I called Schlatt that you hadn't come home yet 10 minutes ago so he's coming by in abou-" Wilbur stopped when there was a quick succession of stern knocks. "Now, I think." He stated, finishing his thought as he walked to the door. When he opened it there was a worried man a couple inches less than Wilbur and a slightly gravely chin of a man who hadn't shaved.

"Wi-" Schlatt began before being cut off. "It was a false alarm, they came just a minute ago, something happened with Ranboo and they had to go to the nurse." Wilbur stepped to the side to let the man through. His eyes fell to Tubbo and a stern look seeped into his features. "Why didn't you call or text? Better yet why didn't the nurse!" He said, looking to Wilbur and Techno at the second question. 

The three adult looked to the three teens. "That was also us..." Tubbo stated quietly. "Alright, how about we sit down and you explain to us everything, that your comfortable with." Techno suggested after his moment of silence. "Hey dad, what's with all the yelling?" A ginger teen walked down the stairs, he was taller than Tommy and close with Wilbur, he had bright orange hair and stood proudly.

"Don't worry Floris, we're figuring it out." Wilbur said to his son, biological mind you. It was a strange case, when Wilbur was 14, he got his girlfriend named Sally pregnant, it was a total mistake and Wilbur was disowned when Philza found out, luckily he didn't kick him out. Soon enough Sally gave birth and Floris, also called Fundy, was introduced to the world. Sadly, Sally died during child labor and left Wilbur to grief with a new baby looking like his late girlfriend. Wilbur was 29 now and Fundy was 16, a year older than the three other minors. (Yes I'm making them young).

"Alright, well I'm gonna go hang with 5up, I'll see ya later, have fun you three." Fundy said, collecting his boots, jacket and bag covered in fox patches, along with an old salmon one proudly on front. "Have fun and remember the curfew." Wilbur called back, making his own way to the kitchen table. Once they were all seated he began speaking again. "Alright boys. Let's get down to business." Wilbur said seriously.

"To defeat, the hun." Schlatt mumbled quietly. "Not the time, Schlatt."

Hi Lee, Hi Key

TW: Gore, Mention of throwing up, Blood, dead animals, mention of panic attack.

I hope you like, next chapters gonna be fun :).

For me.

Anywho, hope you enjoyed and any major trigger like the deer scene will be completely bolded. :) I'm not that mean. Also yes, Fundy's name is Floris, I didn't make that up, he is trans to, didn't change that.

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