Bees, flowers and us

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3rd POV

Two boys, different in more ways similar, yet still connected at the hip, sat in the back of the room, or greenhouse, quietly talking. They hadn't gone home after the last bell, and a lot of others didn't as well. That was because it was Tuesday, the first of two school club days. They were in the gardening club, a club that took place in a small greenhouse with green glass that changed shade in different angles of the sun. Ivy grew along the outside walls and many plants that attracted bugs were growing along the walk way.

The green house was a little way off from the school, in a clearing in the part of the woods the school owned. These woods were connected to the park, which the class usually went walking in and tending to plants. It was a lovely little place, with multiple tables and a chalkboard up front used for nothing more than drawings and signatures. The teacher who started the club was very sweet as well, her name was Cara, but the class called her Captain Puffy because she loved sailing and pirates, and her puffy hair. 

Oh! Right! Our main characters, the entire reason we are here. The louder one, a blond who would most definitely throw hand and get his ass handed to him, was named Tommy. His whole name was Tommy Theseus Minecraft, but he liked to call himself Tommy Theseus Soot, he really loved his 'big brother'. 

The other was a much taller brunette, he was the type of 'gentle giant' when you first meet him, quiet and nice. He was funny though, even with all his insecurities and lack of friends for his strange style. Oh, yeah! He wears a half black, half white mask and anti-reflect sunglasses with one lense red and the other green. His name, well, no one really knew his name, it was something along the line of Mike he believed, but he'd been calling himself Ranboo for so long that he forgot his own name, which wasn't that hard. Having memory problems wasn't easy.

They were working together at the back table right next to the fan that circulated air out. Their conversation completely revolving around their Allium plants. "I swear I read that they needed just a little water! So, what happened!" Tommy bellowed at his friend, staring at their precious plant that had shriveled and died over the weekend. "That was Wikipedia, actual plant care sites say they need to be moderately watered." Ranboo stated, also staring at the plants, his sad look hidden behind mask and glasses.

"I don't know what moderately means!" Tommy yelled again, throwing his hands into the air and snapping his head to the taller. The shorter let his hands fall to his sides and fell back into his chair, crossing his arms over his chest and slouching so far in his seat his back was on the bottom part and his head uncomfortably against the back. He let out an angry huff and turned his head away. 

'God he's pouting again', Ranboo thought as he stared at his friend. He could feel the stare of other club mates on his hidden face and that made him uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. "Hey, we can try again..." His voice was quiet and comforting, just a whisper, trying to smooth Tommy's emotions. "Alright?" Ranboo asked, leaning down so he could look into his upset friend's eyes. 

Tommy huffed, he didn't wanna make Ranboo worry or make him upset to, that would be terrible. He didn't know exactly what had happened to the older before Techno, his older brother, adopted him, none of them did, but he knew if Ranboo didn't wanna talk about it, it wasn't something good. So, he pushed himself up and out of his chair, meeting the gaze of his club mates. "What?" Tommy yelled at them, raising an eyebrow and glared at them, they all turned their head away and gazed back at whatever else, good.

The door opened, and Captain Puffy, with her rainbow hair and sheep headband given to her as a gift from an old friend, entered. Along with her, a much smaller brunette with a green shirt and blue jeans, he had a black backpack, with bees all over it, mostly likely joining because of the bee caring part of the gardening club. "Everyone," Puffy started, dragging any conversations to a halt and stares to be landed on her. "We have a new student joining the club, his name is Toby Underscore." She stated, motioning to the smaller boy with a warm smile. 

Puffy said a few words to Toby and pointed to Tommy and Ranboo's table, the only one that had two instead of three. The younger nodded and scurried over, Tommy smiling at him. "Hey big man!" He said happily, Ranboo giving him a confused look. Once Toby made it over, Tommy explained.

"Tubbs's dad is friend with my d- big bro Wilbur," he said, stopping himself from embarrassing, well, himself. "We're friends and stuff, and I didn't know you'd be joining our school!" he said, targeting the last part at Tubbo. The smallest was staring up at Ranboo who was a little uncomfortable under the other's gaze. He didn't like getting stared at, at all. 

"I wanted it to be a surprise." Tubbo said turning his head to Tommy before his eyes, which lingered on Ranboo for a moment more. "Well, you ass, I woulda told Ranboo. And I can't believe you kept a secret from me, us British boys are supposed to stick together!" Tommy complained. Tubbo's eyes found themself back to staring at Ranboo.

Tommy moved the shorter's hair into his eye, causing Tubbo to yell out a quick 'what!?'. "That's Ranboo, my best bud for the past two years, he doesn't like being started at." Tommy said, a joking but serious tone edged his voice. The brunette brit made an 'o' with his mouth and moved his hair out of his eyes. 

"Hi." he said, looking anywhere except Ranboo's face, causing the taller to smile under his mask. "Hello." Soon, Tubbo's eyes landed on the dead flower. He raised an eyebrow. "You didn't water this enough; they need to be water moderately." He stated looking at Tommy. The blond let out a loud groan and covered his face with his hands. Ranboo let out a small chuckle and Tubbo looked at him through the corner of his eye questionably. 

This was going to be a fun year,


Yooooooooooo, 1078 woooooords. let's gooooooooo. Also, the teachers will consist of;

Zak (Skeppy)- Environmental teacher (bc rocks)

Darryl (BadBoyHalo)- Math teacher (bc y not)

Cara (Captain Puffy)- Agriculture/architecture teacher (idk I feel she would like that)

Sam (AwSamDude)- PE teacher (bc I couldn't think of anything else and u can't teach kids to make bombs)

Niki (Nihachu)- Home EC teacher (bc cooking)

Ponk- Counselor (same as Sam minus the bomb part)

Punz- Tech teacher (same as Ponk)

(pls give suggestion for the teachers, I will change what kind of teacher they are if the suggestion seems better, minus Zak, Cara and Niki)

If there are any grammar or spelling errors, pls tell me, thx. Have a nice day lovelies, and soon this book will go from 0 to 100 real fckin fast. Love Ya'll, I'll try to update soon :D (watch me not update for a year again).

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