Ch 3: "Please Be Okay, Baby~..." (prt 3 last prt)

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A/N: yyyooo~!😘🤗 sorry-not-sorry if this 2nd seperate update came kinda late where ever y'all are! I had been pretty busy around the house cuz my dad is makin me be busy for a while now for reaaons!😅 SO! 🙂👏🏼 here we are, back at this year and today's date as we finish off with the Astroworld Tragedy tribute 😐😔😔 story-part sets of this weekend's seperate updates that I had put together for y'all for the first chapters of vol 3 of this beautiful Prichael comeback series~!🤗🤗💗💗 I hope y'all got chapter 2 update from yesterday as I had accidentally updated too early lastnight...! Lolz! 😅 ANYWAYS! Keep y'alls emergency snuggle/comfort stuff in y'alls bedrooms until the end of this vol guys~! PLS~!🙄💗



Date: November 8, 2021
Location: in between the Nelson-Jackson family household/Houston famous-PRIVATE hospital
Time: mid evening, past 8 PM, California time


It was when Capprico had saw somebody's Facebook story on their account that had went to shit. He watched the scene in the short story clip and read the person's captions. 'I'm leaving Houston 4 EVER! TRAVIS ISN'T PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO US, HIS FANS! HE'S STILL SINGING! SOS!'.

Capprico had gasped once widening his eyes in silent horror as the screen of his phone flashes at him from a night concert of fire, stage lights and desperate screaming in the person's story page as he watches. He sits in the family living room in the couch cushions with his laptop nearby.

His Papa was also in the living room with him just keeping company as Prince had started putting together holiday house party invitations as his husband Michael, who is also home as well upstairs in his office room working on his own stack of the holiday house party invitations with Prince telling him to assist on helping him sign them anyway. (Michael had also been planning plus-one private dinner dates with his little husband Prince since he and Prince barely even had time to go out to any dates just to be together themselves without so much work after putting Big Jay "to rest" two weeks ago. Michael had wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving with Christmas this year with all of his family, but he's also been missin' his husband the most after jostling around downtown in the big city and help raising an almost 1 year old son in board. So, Michael decided to have some exciting plus heartwarming gifts for himself and Prince and his family this ending year as well~.) Prince even got the house maid Martha (who sat in the kitchen table while working on a strap of the cards peacefully with silent comfort herself too) and his son to help put together those white-pearl card paper with fine, silver, red and green designs on the front of each card that Prince had ordered with the help of his sister-in-law Janet and Sheila who had sent those special and VERY expensive, VIP holiday invite reservations that they make for house parties during season holidays like this nowadays.

It was during the peaceful holiday card-making, Capprico had continued watching the released video story still on Facebook on the event of the Astroworld concert where's his fiancee Wayne and his sister Zen were there spending ONLY the weekend.

The rest of the video showed another area of the outside concert, the camera spun behind where they were to show how crowded the fans were and saw Kylie Jenner, holding her daughter and her sister closer behind traffic parade bars. Capprico noticed that that spot was supposed to be where his fiancee Wayne and Zen should be near by the security guards. But, that whole area just didn't look right in the short video to him...

Capprico had almost threw down his work on one of the holiday cards aside on the living room coffee table and..

His hands started shaking in slight panic mode as his phone began vibrating with text messages from his fiancee. But they were texts from his sister Zen at the hospital, using Wayne's phone instead of hers because her phone had been destroyed with the tragic commotion in the pack of the crowded fans that were trying to break through for freedom to breathe and escape after hearing left and right that purple were being "injected to death" all of sudden in fear.

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