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Information about you:

Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Demon Type: Mist Demon

Hair Color: Soot Black

Eye Color: White Sclera, Red iris, and Dark grey pupils.

Height: 5' 6" if you really want a different height by all means but this will be the default.

Likes: Sleep, Y/F music, hoodies, knives, movies, video-games, and pizza.

Dislikes: Your choice.

Clothing: A simple red t-shirt, jeans, and a grey hoodie. You were in your casual clothes when you died so that what you got for now, if people want a different look in the future comment what you think would look good otherwise you can just image your preferred look if you really hate the default.

A bit of background before the story begins:

You are Y/N a 25 year old male human who recently died due to some asshole that we will learn about later (potential plot) and you wake up falling into hell. Like the average person you are extremely confused on what the hell is going on but pick up quick as you see your surroundings. Figuring out that like Earth you need a place to sleep so you do not get stabbed in your sleep you look to find a way to make money seeing a ad on a tv in a stores window that leads you to I.M.P. where your story will really begin. 



So a few things to elaborate on about the story to begin as I said in the description you were a fairly average dude when you died so you will NOT be a hulking behemoth of a demon that can wrestle with the strongest of hell. 

As such I plan to give Y/N 1 or 2 powers and 1 demon attribute that will relate to the kind of demon you are. The reason that I put powers and demon attributes in two separate categories is because the demon attribute will be something all alike demons have and your powers will be what you get.

Anyway from the tags I put their will also be romance and NSFW scenes in this story so hopefully I figure out a way to write them that is not completely awful to read. With the inclusion of this I have decided that their will be romantic interests so that you are not just with some rando off the streets of hell. So I will put a list of the current planned romantic interests for the story below.


Romantic Interests: 

(For reference all these characters will be over 18 years old since this is not canon to the actual Helluva Boss series)


Octavia (will be 21 just to be safe)

Millie (read below so I can figure out what her relationship with Moxxie will be)

Those are the CONFIRMED current love interests so far but I wanted to get some feedback from you guys before I start this story with this idea. Would you guys be interested in female versions of some of the existing characters to become love interests? For a sort of sample of what that would entail it would mean a female: Blitzo, and Moxxie with other potential characters becoming female. Tell me your thoughts of if you would be interested in this since it will effect how the story goes. I want to know before I start so I know how I am gonna write important things like Millie and Moxxie's relationship together.

Helluva Job (Helluva Boss x Male Reader) Hiatus will be worked on, not completedWhere stories live. Discover now