Holy Rejuvenation Batman (Part 2)

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Yeah, so sorry it's been a minute, but I'm back now and ready to finish of the cliffy from when was that? June? Anywho, here it is.

Bruce Wayne had just left the Batcave when his phone started buzzing. Unknown number, but he answered.

"Bruce Wayne, how did you get my personal number?" He hated when fans like this tried so hard to get in touch with him and in doing so totally breached his privacy.

"No Batman, it's me Kid Flash" It sounded like a child playing a prank, but if this kid knew who batman was and knew how to reach him, something was up. "We really need your help."

"If I'm Batman, let me speak to Robin."

"You can't really do that r-"

"Put your leader on." Bruce didn't have time for these shenanigans.

"This is Aqualad." A new voice, but still one of a child. However, not many people just know who the leader of a secret team of sidekicks is.

"What happened and where is Robin?"

"We were on our mission to retrieve the blueprints, but things didn't go well. Robin and I had planned everything out, but then we were all compromised. The device was one meant to de-age people by ten years, keeping all of their abilities and memories intact, but they needed test subjects. We were each hit and captured. When we woke, we were all tied up, Robin however was in a cage. Luthor came in and told us he didn't need us, but that Robin was the perfect age to become the apprentice to some assassin. He told us all to escape and call you. We can't undo any of this without Robin and our gear which also has the blueprints, so we really need your help." That explained the voices of children, the fact that they were probably calling from a payphone, Robin's absence, and why the team wasn't back at the cave already.

"I'm on my way. Tell M'gann to call for the bioship and head back to the cave."

"But we must-"

"I'll deal with everything else."

Aqualad hung up the phone and left the phone booth to speak to the team. "We're going home, please call the bioship. Batman will save Robin." The other's seemed like they wanted to protest, but knew it was of no use.

"Don't worry you guys, Daddybats is ten times as scary and effective as Batman, and he just wants us out of the way so he can save Robin as quickly as possible" KF reassured as the five of them retreated.

Knowing his ward was three years old and in the hands of Luthor and an assassin was not calming, but Batman knew what he had to do to save his son. The Batwing was flying at it's top speed toward Robin's suit tracker which had not been moving up until Batman was about two minutes away. The sudden movement only made the father move faster and that was never good for the bad guys.

Meanwhile, Robin was feeling more and more tired in his cage. But don't blame him, most three-year-olds can't stay up past midnight in tiny cages. He didn't realize his thumb had moved to his mouth and he was slowly falling asleep until he was lifted into the air and put back on alert.

"Wake up Robin." The mix of Robin's drowsiness and Slade's incredibly serious voice almost had him thinking he was being saved by Bruce, but he knew better.

"Let me go Deathstroke!" Robin whined. They were headed into a small truck and Robin was placed not so gently on the passenger seat.

"Mind your manners." Slade pressed a button on his glove as he strapped himself into the driver's seat. The cage Robin was in sent a charge through the little bird and Robin flopped over momentarily unable to get up. "That hurt. Good. Where we are going I suspect you're going to get hurt a lot. If you want me to change my mind, you had better learn some respect."

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