Holy ACHOO Batman

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SaulyCermeno: one suggestion would be a sick Robin and a worried Batman. It all started on a night on patrol, suddenly the rain fell and the two masked men were trapped in it the next morning, the one who suffered the consequences of such a rainy day was none other than the dear and dear Robin.

Awesome plot, lots of people do sick Robin stories, but I've added a slight twist that I hope you enjoy!

We were about to head home after the long night's patrol. The skies of Gotham were looking even gloomier than usual, and that could only mean one thing.


drip drip

drip drip drip drip drip drip

Rain. I've always loved the rain. It washes away dirt and unhappiness, and it is great when brooding with the gargoyles. Robin however hates the rain. He doesn't like it when his happily spiked hair is pushed flat against his forehead, and he was always complaining about how his exposed arms and face got cold.

"Can we go back now, we've already been out here for four hours and it's starting to rain harder" He may be annoying at times, but I still love him. I decided he was right, and we were about to hop in the Batmobile when we heard a scream. He looked up at me and I nodded, soon we were both at the source of the scream.

It was the Crime Doctor and his brother, Rupert Thorne's gang. The person who screamed was up against the wall of an Alley, and the doctor moved slowly and steadily forward, syringe in hand.

"Put the syringe away." My usually terrifying appearance was increased by the rain and the single lightning flash right after I spoke. Robin knew the routine, and before the Crime Doctor could do anything, Robin had gotten the civilian to safety while I began fighting the doctor and Thorne. Soon enough, Robin was back in the alley taking down the other men that were all around. After a short while, Robin and I were the only ones standing and that's how I liked it. I turned to keep an eye on the villains as I called Commissioner Gordon, telling him where to find them. When I turned around, Robin was totally drenched and slightly shivering, so we made our way back to the Batmobile and went home.

The next morning I woke up still tired from the previous nights activities and decided to go check up on Dick to make sure he showered even after all that rain. I knocked on the door and received a pained "Come in"

Dick was curled up in his bed with a frown plastered to his normally beaming face. "Dick, are you feeling alright?" I leaned down to feel his forehead the way Alfred would always do to me. I wasn't sure I would be able to notice anything, but I pulled my hand back when his face felt like it was on fire. "You must have a really high fever from the rain last night, why don't you stay home today and I'll have Alfred make you some tea"

He hummed a response and I left to find Alfred. Why didn't I let him into the Batmobile while I handled the fight? He was already cold and doesn't have the coverage I have when he wears his Robin suit. I also have no idea what to do with him if he has such a high fever. I guess I just need to be there for him and tell him how sorry I am.

Alfred handed me the tea and some medicine and I went back into the room, not knocking this time because I didn't want to worsen his headache. I helped him sit up slowly, putting plenty of pillows behind him supporting his head. After giving him the proper amount of the pink medicine which he happily swallowed, not even minding the flavor, he took the steaming mug of tea from my hands and held it close for it's warmth.

"I'm really sorry Dick, I shouldn't have let you fight in the rain, you were already cold." I told him in the softest voice I could muster. He took a sip and cleared his throat.

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