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It was a regular day. I ate breakfast, prepared for school, drank a lot of coffee, then went to the bus station. Still, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The bus pulled up, I got on, headed to my usual seat... And there was a boy sitting there. He had long golden hair, reaching down his back, and a smile that could melt your heart. It certainly melted mine. He was like the knight in shining armor that I had always fantasized about. But it was clear that his mark was one of hope and popularity. Not of whatever the mark for being gay was. I think it might've been a pride flag? I'm not sure. He, however, didn't have his mark visible to me, so I could not confirm my suspicious.

"Uhm..." He looked up. His smile faded slightly, and his face changed to confusion. His face... He looked like a model. His face was perfectly chiseled, his eyes were a captivating ocean blue, and his smile was warm and welcoming. "Y-you're in my seat." I stuttered out, looking away.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" He stood up, and moved to the other side of the row of seats. As I took my seat, I placed my hands in my lap, and looked down at them. It felt purely uncomfortable.

"Uh, what's your name?" I head from beside me as I felt my face heat up. A cute guy is talking to me? I knew my mark told me I was aro and ace, but damn this guy was cute. And anyways, I had realized years ago that my mark wasn't right.


"I'm Madeleine! I'm new to the school, and I was wondering, when we got there, would you mind showing me around?" Okay, this guy is not only talking to me, he wants to hang out with me??? That can't me right... Maybe this is a prank or something. But I've never seen him at school...


"O-oh sorry. S-sure..." That was another thing I hated about myself. I stuttered way too much, mostly because I never talked to anyone.

After a few more minutes of awkward silence, the bus reached our school and we were able to get off.

"So where should we go first?" Madeleine piped up from behind me.

"I-I guess the principle's office..."

--(time skip)--

After the tour, we headed to our first class, which just so happened to be the same. As we reached the room, I sighed slightly, then opened the door.

"...And- ESPRESSO!!!! YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THAT LATE!!!! DETENTION!!!!" Jeez, I hated this teacher. And he had always hated me back.

"L-look I was just-"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXCUSES!!!!!" He screeched. I sighed again, and slowly made my way over to my seat in the back of the classroom. "Oh, Madeleine! It's so nice to finally meet you. I'm so sorry for him." How did Mr.Whatever-his-name-was manage to hold a smile after yelling at me so easily???

"Oh no it's fine! He was actually taking me on a tour, so I don't think it's fair for him to be in detention." Okay, now this dude is even defending me!?!? This has to be a dream...

"Oh of course! You can sit anywhere you please." Madeleine smiled at him, and started to make his way... To me????? But of course, part way he was stopped by none other than the jock of the school.

"Hey, wanna sit with us?" He gestured to his group.

"Oh no thank you!" He responded cheerily, but before he could go anywhere, the boy (Willy, given the nickname unwavering Willy because of how unwavering he was when he beat nerds to a pulp) grabbed him by the arm.

"Hey, you're not gonna go sit with that emo kid, right?" Even if he was speaking softly at that point, I could still hear it, and hear the demanding tone. It made sense that Willy was trying to get Madeleine away from me. I am just a freak anyways. I'm also not even supposed to have friends.

"I was actually." Madeleine was also speaking quieter, almost to the point where it wasn't audible to me. I also couldn't see his face, even though I could see Willy's. He looked pissed. And then he quieted down even more, to the point that I couldn't hear their conversation.

I'm tired.

I got some coffee out of my bookbag and started drinking it. I looked back and Madeleine was walking over to me. He seemed pleased.

"May I sit here?" He smiled and pointed to the seat beside me. That smile...

"Uh-" I looked away, "S-sure." I'm not sure when, but I started drinking more coffee, and he noticed.

"Hey what's in there?" It was really weird having someone talk to me.

"C-coffee." I looked down. "It... H-helps me focus."

"Alright! I've never actually had coffee before." He laughed a bit. OH GOD EVEN HIS LAUGH IS HOT. One thing that you should note about me is that I am gay. Like, excessively gay. I don't show it because that would go against my mark, but I'm pretty sure this guy is making me blush right now.

After a good while, the bell finally rang. I packed up my stuff, and got ready to leave, but before I could exit the room I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I looked back and there was Madeleine, most of his stuff still out of his backpack.

"Wait for me..?" I sighed, looking away. After a few more minutes of him throwing stuff in his bookbag, he signalled that we could go.

"So what class do you have next?" He asked as we entered the hallway. It was filled to the brim with many students, all  pushing to get to their next class.

"This is why I leave early..." I mumbled, then slightly louder I said, "Math. You?" I didn't stutter... I didn't stutter!!!

"Oh I have... I think it was-" but before he could finish his thought a bimbo blonde interrupted him.

"Hiiiiiiii you're the new kid riiiiiight?" She asked in her innocent voice. She was not innocent. This was none other than Carol S (not to be confused with Carol W, the nerd that people had only ever seen in the library), the most popular girl in our school. She was such a bitch. She picked on everyone for everything, plus she had too many boyfriends to count. I couldn't wait until she got to a place where not all the boys loved her.

"Yep! Uhm sorry but I-" and then of course all the other girls joined him, asking him flirty questions and overall getting in his space. Soon enough I had pushed away from him completely, and so I just continued walking. I sighed.

So stupid of me to think he would want to hang out with me...


Words: 1169 ;)

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