The Arrival

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When we got to the Burlington International Airport in Vermont, I spotted my parents holding a big sign saying "HI SWEETIES(AKA ALEX AND REX)".The text was written in blue,black,and purple markers with a few drawings of dogs and bones an skateboarders on it representing Rex and I.
Yes I will admit that it was kind of embarrassing but also kind and sweet on how much they had missed me and Rex.
First thing we all did after we me and Rex had our little "welcome home" hugs and kisses was go to my childhood house where my parents still lived at and where we would be staying at for this week long trip.After we got into the house I rushed upstairs (followed by Rex of course)to my room and flopped onto the bed.The bed still felt how it had last year when we had came here-cozy warm and comfy as heck.
Once me and Rex were done unpacking we ran downstairs and went out to eat at a small café called Rosie's café.To be honest the only reason we came here was because it was the only place where they allowed dogs.After we finished dinner we went back home and played some family games and finally went to sleep at midnight.
While me and Rex were laying in bed, I was talking to him and stroking his belly just like I always do before we sleep.I sighed and looked at Rex and said "Tomorrows gonna be a long day bud"and passed out and went to sleep....

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