QnA no one asked for

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/Did The black cat get a name?/

Yes, Kaminari named it, "Gremlin"
Yk like Lil Gremlin.?

/Why did I take so long?/

Because of my lazy ass, that's why. I knew I was going to finish this book and I was always determined about that bit schools happened and my mental health got extremely bad and I'm just really fucking lazy tbh. When it came for the last chapter, chapter 9 It took a little to get my thoughts all together again since past me left it to future me to deal with it so that's adorable 😃

/Who inspired you?/

There's already a page on that in this book.

/Why did you decide to do KiriBaku when there were so many other great ships?/

Well mainly because I'm better at Eijiro's and Katsukis character than anyone else😭 I also just really love this ship, Canon or not.

/Will you be doing more books of KiriBaku?/

Most likely.

/What emotions were you going through during this whole book?/

A lot. Excitement to finish the book, I cried for the last chapter and got emotional, I was tired as hell waking up from 3-5 a.m for moths on a row not getting a lot of sleep but still being able to write pretty decently yk there's more ofc.

/Are you working on a new one rn or not?/

Yes, I'm currently working on another KiriBaku Story, I already have the cover, the title, and the description I just need to start writing the chapters. (I write in my book before hand to make sure I actually like the book im finna do)

/How Long is the new book going to be?/

Not sure, I'm hoping at least around 9-13 Chapters (depending on how long each chapter is) but for rn I have no idea tbh.

/Why did you decide to finish it when you did?/

Because I started getting more motivated and became I really just wanted this to finally be finished and not be one of those writers who never upload because they get "unmotivated" or "bored" of the book that they're doing. Also, I promised myself that I would finish it. I was going to stay by that until it was actually fully finished.

/Favorite part(s) of the book?/

There's a lot but one is when Eijiro takes a picture of Katsuki while laughing (the book cover).

/Did you plan the things that happened like the Polar bear part or the book cover, etc?/

Actually, no. I didn't. A lot of these kind of just clicked at the last minute while I was writing the Las few chapters. But it's still amazing how it somehow worked out.

/How old are you?/
We'll do a 'get to know the creator' page—if I remember, that is😭😭

/Is this your first book or have you written others?/

First book that I've actually finished, yes. But not the first book I've written.

/Was it hard doing school and the book at the same time?/

No, actually. I went into school late because of some issues and I uploaded 6 chapters and than a few weeks after posting the 6th chapter I kind of just stopped and got lazy. But I've I've in school for almost 2 months now and I've decided to once again start it back up.

/how long did it take you to finally get a grasp at a boom idea and stick to it?/

A long time. For sure. Years and years. Prob around I'd say maybeeeeeeeeeeeee 2-4 years. Pain.

/was easy coming up with the cats names, details, etc?/

Not really. I've always wanted a cat that looks exactly like Loki. And than Gremlin I just make him Black with light purples 3yes because I thought It was a pretty combo.

/How often did you write before you stopped writing for awhile?/

Frequently. I can't say how much exactly but pretty frequently.

E X T R A – I wrote the chapters up to 6 around 3-5 a.m. i wrote 6 chapters around 3-5 in the morning just to get work done and I still have no idea how I actually functioned enough to write something decent.


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