Tuesday, September 3

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I finished my homework on Shakespeare so I thought I could get some 'free time' out of the rest of my evening. After another HORROR day of school, I deserve to chillax! Right?

Nooooo! NOT RIGHT!

WHY? A little brat in pink designer clothing and messy eyeshadow is why!

« Mackenzie! I told Fifi a million times that the bathroom was outside but she didn't listen to me and went in my bedroom! Clean it up! » she wailed.

Oh no! I really wonder why she didn't listen. NOT!

« Ask mom. Or Nelson. Or Gladys. Or even borrow from me Olga! Can't you see im busy!! »

« Mommy and Daddy are on a trip, Nelson is driving them and Gladys and Olga are on a break today. Didn't you know?! » she glared at me.

As if I bother!

« Listen, this is NOT my problem. You got yourself into this mess. Get out of it! » I said.

« Fifi did it! I didn't do anything! » she complained and started kicking the floor.

« Then ask Fifi! » I tried to joke. 

She gave me that 'are you stupid or what?!' glare.

I'm sorry but I don't try to tell my puppy to go potty outside by bribing him with carrots.

« Hey, you can lose the sarcasm 'cuz I'm not going to clean up! » I explained. Honestly, does she not understand English or what?

« Fine then » she said, a little too smugly. I could see a plan forming and I don't really like her 'plans'.

Before I knew it, she had run past me, taken my homework assignment and run out the door.

« Amanda! What on Earth?! That's my HOMEWORK! You come back here right now! » I screamed after her!

I ran into her bedroom, she hadn't locked it in the haste, and saw her CLEANING UP Fifi's mess with my assignment! 


« Amanda! Do you realise that that took me 2 hours to do?! » I shouted.

« No, » she said.


I dropped my old homework in the bin and started on a new one:

1) Would you consider Puck the protagonist of the play? Why or why not?

2) How does Puck's personality and actions set the mood of the play?

3) Use your imagination and provide either a detailed physical description or a drawing of Puck.

Poor guy with a name like that! How am I supposed to know what he looks like? A normal fairy?!

Anyways, I finished just when mom and dad came home. For your information, Amanda, pooping in your bedroom does NOT mean pooping in the WHOLE HOUSE! Fifi's mess was everywhere in the entrance hall and guess who got all the blame?




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