Monday, September 2

92 3 1

Today is the first day of school and I am so NOT looking forwards to it.

If I see this new girl, I'll tell her right in her face to BACK OFF from Brandon because he's already taken.


I arrived at my locker and saw Jessica giving everyone the dirty eye

For the whole day, Brandon hung around her like a fly to a flytrap and I told myself that this was mandatory for the school and that it's not like he liked her or anything!

We had geometry in the morning and I have NO idea which is harder: 

Pretending I like geometry

Pretending I like the teacher 


Anyways, I managed a B and headed off to my locker to slather on more lip gloss.

Something was wrong. Jessica wasn't her usual critical self and was looking glum.

« Hey Jess! Something wrong, hon? »

In all response, she rolled her eyes and glared at... NIKKI MAXWELL. Or so her stick on label said.

« Hi guys. How are you? » she asked.

I stared at her, my lips pursed, eyes wide and said, « WHAT are you doing here?! » 

Because, yes, she had taken Jessica's locker WHICH WAS RIGHT NEXT TO MINE!!!

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