The First

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(her picture is to the side, or if your on the Watt pad app, its in the pictures category of this chapter)

Her name was Roxanne.

She hated her name, so she called herself Ronny, and eventually it fit with her family.

Ronny was an average 15 year old girl in high school who was just about to turn 16.

She was smart, beautiful, talented, had a love of plants and art, never got ill, and had a light temper when it comes to certain things.

She wasn't human.

She had abilities, yet she didn't know about them yet.

What was she? You may ask. Well, that's a secret.

That secret, nobody knows.

Not her mother, siblings... well lets just say, nobody she knew at least. She didn't even know her self.

Well, that's what happens when your adopted into a human family.

If only young Ronny knew she was adopted though, right? Maybe it would be easier to know the past so she can able be ready for the future.

What do u think?

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