Chapter Four

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I was just finishing the last parts of my tent by the time the sun was starting to set. I told mom I'll be back late tomorrow so she couldn't worry about me, and sis didn't really care I was leaving anyways so she could have the house back to herself for the rest of the weekend, she's probably going to invite her boyfriend over the minute mom left for work Sunday morning. Oh well it doesn't change my fun plans for the weekend.

I moved around some dirt and put rocks around it making a small fire pit then soon piled on some twigs and dried leaves and slowly, after a few minutes, built up a fire.


Later that night after eating two of my eight sandwiches and almost five s'mores, I finally went into my makeshift comfy tent and fell asleep.


I was sitting alone surrounded by white on what felt like soft strings of ice wound together forming the clouds i sat along. There wasn't a sky here, it just was all white yet the clouds were strongly distinguished from the other whiteness that surrounded this emptiness.

"Little sister, oh how you've grown," I heard in a kind male voice from behind me. Although the voice came out of nowhere it didn't frighten me.

Before I could turn around he appeared infront of me. He had red hair, same color as mine, and brown eyes. He looked more like me than my sister did.

His hair was cut shaggily around his face neatly, he also looked about sixteen or seventeen.

"Who are you?" I say staring at him with all his familiarities.

He knelt in front of me smiling lightly, "You don't remember me?" He says hardly a question as if he already knew the answer. "The last time you saw me, you were four. I wouldn't expect you to remember after what had happened so long ago."

I stared at him questionably not understanding. "Wait what?" I said stupidly.

He smiles taking my hands in his, "Sister you need to wake up, and discover your real family, not the fake one your in now. It will be the beginning of a long chain of reactions that will help you discover your future." He slowly stands pulling me up with him.

I tried to ask him what he was talking about, but my voice wouldn't come.

"I sent some new friends for you," he continued. " They will help you discover your destiny, over the years, to prepare, work, live, love, and befriend, enough for you to be ready, and when the time comes, we will meet again."

The whiteness that surrounds us was getting darker, thicker like a blackness was that was making it impossible to see around us.

He pulled me into a hug tightly and there was something about it, an essence that felt perfect like this. A safety that made it impossible to ever think differently that this, and him, will always be a part of me.

"I'm always around, you can't forget that understand?" He now says sternly which makes me know involuntarily. "Now you need to wake up. Now. And go discover the truth." He puts his lips to my ear and whispers in a way that makes me strain to understand, "Wake up."

The blackness devours us with a jolt that stung me to the core.


I was sitting up with a damp rim of sweat on my forehead, I was ice cold, maybe because I had kicked off my sleeping bag while I slept.

I still felt confused and bewildered by the boy with the red hair.

There was a loud thud and absurd crunching sound from outside that broke me from my thoughts.

I sat silent, listening, while sound was silenced shortly after a brief growl.

I heard a dragging on the grass that followed every clump of a heavy step towards my small tent.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2013 ⏰

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