~Author's note~

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Assalamualikum wa Rahmautiallhi wa Barakatu!!!! I hope that Allah had kept you all safe, happy, and healthy, and full of faith and sincerity!!!

First of all, Alhamduillah, I was able to finish this story on time!!! I am so happy that Allah gave me this opportunity to be able to do what I love that helps Islam too!!! Alhamduillah!!!

During the process of creating this story, I came with many hardships, and those including the ones with my heart and with people that I thought that I could trust, who I could confine with, but then realized that I couldn't, and found much more better people than them, Alhamduillah. 

They all deserve a huge thank you, and a lot of dua!!!! Thank you for all the help that you provided as my friends, and many times, as a teacher!!! I love you always, and pray that those of who who haven't been guided to the Sirat-ul-Mustakeem(the Straight Path), someday get guided and enter Jannah with me, Ameen. 

My family, Ma, Baba, my siblings. Thank you for teaching my deen, and many life lessons that helped me, and will help me with life and everything else.

A big thank you to @Beauty4evar for showing me that there is something out there called Islamic Fiction. You will forever be a mentor and I pray for you always. May Allah bless you and granted you Jannah!! 

My teachers have all been very supportive and I will always value them and remember their advice and kind words. A big thank you to my ELA, Global and Geometry teachers for letting me write in class and edit my stuff when needed!!! 

My para too. I love you Aunty. Thank you for helping me write this, and reminding me whenever I need to pray at school. 

And the nasheed artist, Siedd, for providing me with the nasheeds that helped me get ideas for the novel. The best nasheed that helped me finish this: https://soundcloud.com/sieddofficial/signs?in=sieddofficial/sets/siedd

But the biggest of all, the main thank you goes to the One and Only, Allah(SWT). Thank you for guiding me to the straight path, thank you for giving me all the things that make me the person I am today, thank you for all the times that you pushed me back when I went astray. I know you know that I love You, and will always try to practice this deen that you gifted me with. 

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